Tempat: my own world
Mood: ......
5 words aq nak cakap mengenai fesyen.. Kadang2 kita ni terlalu ikut2kan cakap orang lain.. why should we limit ourself just because we listen to others? Don't let other rule our life.. ok let's start..*tak tahu nak start mukadimah camna hehe
In fashion.. we are not allowed to wear certain color just because our body shape, skin tonne and other.. For me, to look better maybe we can apply the concept.. but it will be better if we just follow our desire.. pakai jek color apa pun yang kita suka.. Tak kisah orang nak kata apa pun.. only listen if yourself kata " tak lawa la color ni dengan aq'.. then tak payah la pakai.. Kadang2 pasal color pun jadi masalah dekat orang nak mengata...
Yang ni bergantung kepada individu.. kalau mampu beli jek tak mampu yang tak ada brand pun lagi lawa dari yang brand.. For me, benda2 branded aq beli pun seluar, bag, accessories and shoes jek.. baju jarang aq nak berkenan kat kedai2 branded ni.. some people may like branded some people like to be low profile.. beli branded outfit just to show off and canang merata what the point??...kita beli baju nak pakai tak kisah beli branded ke biasa2 ke even beli kat bundle pun okeyh.. for me brand is not an issue.. aq hanya beli yang mana aq berkenan di hati tak kisah brand ke tak brand pun..imitation product pun tak apa kalau nak save duit but nak ada barang branded..
Everyone have their own style.. semua akan ikut perkembangan semasa.. Tiru meniru fesyen orang lain is not a big deal.. sebab orang yang kita tiru pun tiru orang lain..it's not 'tiru' but just follow the sytle.. unless u are the fashion designer maka istilah tiru can be apply.. One more thing is mengkritik fesyen orang lain.. Lantak dia la nak pakai apa pun..as long as dia pakai tu tak melampau2.. if we suka pakai tudung cara moden jangan la pulak kritik orang yang pakai tudung labuh konon look older lah kan.. itu hak dia life dia... benda tak salah pun dia buat.. so let;s other have their own style..
Ketinggian selalu menjadi penyekat kepada fashion.. but it's not a problem for me.. because i'm not so desperately to wanna look tall.. some said dress and skirt just suitable for those who tall.. " eh. hang nampak lagi pendek la pakai camni" but we want to wear.. so just wear... who are they to stop us.. let they said what they wanna said.. until their mouth feel exhausted they will keep their bloody mouth shut..hehe unless u are the one whose desperately wanna look tall then stop yourself..
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-even orang nak cakap aq nampak pendek ke tak sesuai ke nampka cam pregnant mom ke.. aku kisah apa aq nak pakai jugak haha- |
p/s: so let's rule ourself not others...it's normal when people keep on complaining about what we wear...so dont let any killjoy friends shame on you..
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