My Convocation Day or Convocation's Day??? Oh my englishhhhhhh!!! So on 20th September 2012 after 1 year and 4 months waiting patiently and excitedly..finally it's my day.. the day for all student.. arghhh cant believe... Only on 19 September I found and bought my convocation's shoes huhuhu so pity of me.. luckily found it.. and thanksfully 50% sales from Shoepoint..
putih itu suci |
Me, Yanie, Nur, Mirah, Nas and Nana |
finally i'm graduated. |
credit to Ben |
My lovely Parent.. so inherit muka sapa..hehe |
Thanks my friend and family |
Gambar skema cam ni jangan dilupa.. |
So sat ja kan.. naik pentas turun pentas dalam 2-3 minit jek.. tapi nervous sebelum nak naik pentas memang nervous gila.. kena control so that tak jatuh..hahaha tapi plan we all nak photoshoot kat outdoor tergendala lak huhu sebab hujan.. so terpaksa sendiri jek tangkap tu pun sikit jek sebab hujan jugak..
credit to my Bro |
credit to my bro |
konvokesyen iolllss masuk paper tau tak uolllss hahaha
walaupun ciuput jek tapi bererti tau..
nasib dalam keadaan normal hehe