Tarikh: 20 june 2011
Tempat: my own world
Mood: awesome..
yeahh baru jek balik dari keja.. terus on9.. yela sana tak on9 pun aq huhu.. ok let me start story.. as usual i woke up today.. honestly i dont get enough sleep..but i feel fresh huhu. then i wait for rapid bas at 8.10.. then the bas are there.. " awainya nanti nak duk mana ni? keja kul 9 start".. but my thought was totally wrong huhu it's JAM today.. and why??? my home and my work place should take only 10 minute to 15 minute.. but i arrived there at 9a.m.. i was worried because this is my first day k i dont want bad reputation.. i refused to take my brother's offer to send me.. but as i reached there.. there's no one.. erghhh buat penat ja jalan laju2.. then kul 9.15 still tak da orang huhu where are they?? then 9.20 the Afnan(graphic designer) arrived. fuh nasib baik.. tadi kereta yang lalu lalang tengok je aq.. laki2 kat kedai sebelah duk usha cam aq ni alien lak haha..
first job is inserting the mug into box.. i helped Afnan.. Afnan said " tak cukup staff so kena la kita buat semua keja" then the Boss arrived.. finally i know my boss is malay emmm maybe mix la.. on the interview day i thought she's chinesse huhu sorry Madam... my Madam said " macam penah nampak la zu ni" gulpp kat mana tu.. ah'ha saya memang ada kembaq banyak haha aq hanya kata yaka hehhe(sengih2 kambing).. then i help afnan unpack the diary.. insert it into box.. then type letter.. then help Afnan wrapped bottles.. oh ya Afnan tell me about company background then give me motivation advice.. he show the item in the shop.. wow so unique things from china.. beg cam pergi picnic tapi buka2 set pinggan and gelas.. da pulak beg galas tapi bukak set pinggan and gelas...
today's work alhamdulillah i don't feel any stress.. i'm just fun doing it.. and totally not boring.. teringat lagi time LI dulu first day boring gila kot.. but here cepat jek masa tu berlalu.. oh ya ada funny thing happen.. ok i never use punch card before.. i just thought just punch the card.. just guess what happen.. after i come back from lunch.. i just punch the card without press any button.. semua print 1 tempat jek .. adooii then afnan show me how to use it haha malu ja.. but it' ok learn from it.. i always forget to punch the card..nak kena potong gaji ke der.. my work here not just office work but multi task.. i will do the office work then maybe follow designer to do marketing and sales outside and i also can do my sales if want extra salary.. perghh ni aq lemah aq xreti carik la.. sapa2 nak buat baju ke apa ke gitau aq.. dapat la aq komisyen sikit hihi.. i should make rm25 000 sales... kalau dapat buat sales mesti nikmat jek cukup bulan kan.. designer said one of the staff bought cash proton gen 2 guna duit komisyen jek.. perghh superb gila de2 mana dia carik customer..nak2 jugak haha..
but durnig lunch time.. i went to BJ alone..hhuuhu sangat sedih makan sorang2.. i already used to laugh plus sembang2 dengan my friends then right now i'm alone.. dulu time LI boleh la suruh Si Dia datang tapi dia dah nun jauh,,, nak makan pun tak hepi.huhu pergi kdai makan dalam BJ ni.. tengok tak banyak orang kira ok la kan tak la sedih sangat nak makan sorang2.. then tunggu tak maw ambik order.. haish nk kena ni.. dah dekat 10 minit aq tunggu aq pun belah pergi MCD.. cepat jek.. tapi makan pun tak habis.. tak ada mood makan... tapi tak apa esok nak p makan dengan my dearest friend Nadiah..
p/s: kepada Siti Salwa tadi tu,so sorry saya tak tekan save no awak so tak boleh nak bagitau emel..huhu i feel guilty la...sorry..
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