Yummy Cupcake -->

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Tarikh: 19 May 2010...
Tempat: Suffering place....
Mood: Down...angry..Confused..Helpless....

Emm baru nak semangat buat "Gerak Gempur Report Akhir".. Tapi tetiba ja jadi hal lain.. Haish tak paham aq... Kenapa la semua ni selalu terjadi kat aq... This time feel really down.. I don't know it happen because of me.. Or because of their system... This is not a good practical...

last week ada la buat presentation.. But guess what happen?? all just mess up.. Huh macam apa ja.. Kalau boleh maw ja aq invisible kan diri time tu... Komen tu aq tak la kesah sangat.. because i learn from it.. Tapi suruh buat kerja yang i never learn before.. Kalau ada yang mengajar it's different story la if i can't do that job.. Memang sah2 salah aq.. Tapi 100% depends on me.. huh apa ni... Kalau la tahu macam ni sah2 dari mula lagi aq tak pilih... Oh no, perkataan 'kalau' tu perkataan syaitan.. benda dah jadi.. No way to turn back..

Maybe i'm too stupid.. But hmmm..... just imagine la macam mana kerja seorang pemegang Degree, orang berpendidikan Diploma yang baru semester 4 disuruh buat... Well this just perumpamaan apa yang aq rasa sekarang... Yup right.. pemegang Diploma tu boleh buat.. But she need to be taught.. Not just leave 100%... Or maybe i'm not good enough that's why i can't make it..

Alright...Stop depressing violetrose... it just 3 weeks more... Bertahan... Just buat apa yang tahu saja... hmmm :( i wonder if i'm strong enough to speak for my right.. Ok just left behind that feeling.. So sekarang aq nak siap kan kerja2 tu.. Lantak la what's going to happen.. Emm at last dapat juga pecah kn bab so i have 4 chapter now.. Finish up that 'messy' system.. clear up your report.. and enjoy the precious moments.... FIGHTING VIOLETROSE!!!!!

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