Yummy Cupcake -->

Sunday, October 26, 2014

25 October 2014 My Sis's Wedding


Alhamdulillah...Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah.. My Sis dah selamat  menjadi wife to My BIL Abg Fizi..wah gituu... So tak ada istilah langkah bendui ke hape lepas ni... katanyerr dolu2 if i get married first then her..1bijik Myvi haaa.... Dengan penuh kesederhanaan majlis dibuat.. minta maaf kepada siapa2 yang tak dijemput kat Majlis Akad Nikah ni.. Reception next year Insya Allah...

Aku ralat la jugak sebab aku memang nak2 sangat2 da by my Sis's side time ijab kabul tu.. sebab tak dak chance dah pasni..Dia la satunya2 Kakak aku kan.. Tapi dah tak boleh pulak masuk masjid alkisahnya...huwaaaa... haaa disebabkan aku sengaja memasukkan unsur2 suspen dalam facebook ramai pulak yang ingat aq pulak yang nak tunang/ kahwin..hahaha siap dapat PM dapat Whatsapp .. Adooii anyway thanks for the care shown kihkihkih

how i really wish to be there T_T
Ijab dan kabul    
outdoor photography kononnyer...
I like this one.. even tak jadi sangat tapi pun bolehhh hehe
teehee... I love my Sis like if someone break her heart i'll break the person's neck..wahh gitu...
Haa ni la tukang mekap.. comei2 depa..so depa pun kita comey aiseh..
kan dah kata mekap dia buat lawa... feeling coverpage girl magazine gitu..
see the transformation
Mekap tahan lama.. Ramai puji mekap.. puji mekap ok bukan puji kita huhuhu..
kes tu yang malam tu sayang nak cuci mekap..
And lastly gambar bajet harus ada
Ni yang nak credit kat My Niece ni tangkap camni hehe
hmmm dah habis.. even banyak shortage.. even tak la glemer bagai tapi yang penting Ijab dan Kabul tu.. tu yang wajib.. Tak payah ambik peduli sangat kata negatif2 orang,,,Alhamdulillah kakak dah jadi Puan Shafinie..hehe Semoga Puan Shafinie dan Encik Fizi bahagia dan bersama hingga ke Jannah..murah rezeki.. kuat dan tabah menghadapi kehidupan yang mendatang...
And lasty moga cepat2 beri aku anak penakan
1st grandchildren for family of Obaithee
cant wait!! :)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Another October


alahai...rasa lama kot tak update blog.. Sekarang super duper busy.. dengan nak siap assignment... dengan nak achieve target sebab dah nak end year kan then dengan nak exam untuk jadi agen insurans lagi (kena study lagi...)..dan dengan preparation wedding My Sis.. tiap2 hari memang sampai rumah lepas Isyak.. weekend pun ada event... how tiring life... Sekarang nak buat assigment tapi rasa nak buat entry blog...sambil layan lagu Akim-Mewangi...haishhh..

"Jadikan malam ku lebih indah
Jadikan siang ku lebih terang
Biarkan bungaku mewangi

Yes...please make my night more pleasant with pleasant sleep with no worries
Yes... please make my day bright with no heaviness feeling of living..

I'm super duper tired... why everything is all wrong I questioned myself..
Telah tertulis Jika kita tak jaga solat.. hal yang lain jugak tak terjaga..

Betul...diri ini terlalu taksub terlalu jaga dunia...
solat pun rushing2 sebab kerja banyak...takut tak habis..
And i know now no one will help me except Allah
so why am i so keen about my job when I know Allah is there..
Ahamdulillah.. It's working on me..trust me..
U'll feel that "feeling"..

Friday, October 3, 2014

Hippie Chestnut By Freshkon


That day suddenly my Shimmering Grey contact lens feel not comfortable.. I feel so terrible that day and i guess it is because the contact lens is already tore up..Then luckily I still keep the Glinting Brown.. so used it before I bought my Hippie Chestnut.. hmmm looks like I get attached with the Freshkon brand!!

I went to Queensbay that day and start to search for it because I really want to try this color! I went to 2 optical shop and they said I need to order it.. arrghhh I need new contact lens asap...! They tried to persuade me to buy another color that are available...but I want hippie chestnut..

Then next day I went to BJ to bought it.. and yeah luckily they have stock... so I have my Hippie Chestnut hehe...
From different types of lightning..

U smile..I Smile...

Actually Perky Brown..Misty  Grey and Hippie Chestnut are more likely the same..
for Hippie Chestnut it just like Perky Brown but the brown tone is more lighter..

love it !!!