It's end of April!! Hmmm why time running so so fast erkkk... I still have too many things to do... Nad introduced me to a 'thing' called "eBook Reader & ePub".. hahhaa it's funny dude how i've installed the wrong application for twice time..Luckily i found it!!
What so awesome about it.. ?? For those who love reading.. this is like heaven for us.. reading book anytime anywhere!!
First we have to install this application via your smartphone..tablet and whatsoever.. choose the right one.. u guys wont like to end up like me haha
already installed?? Let's search for our favorite book!! but not all our favourite book available...hmmmm
There u go... select whatever u like and download it...
I chose this..
Previous i've read Act like a lady think like a man.. quite knowledgeable book.. girl please read it... Currently i'm reading "Better Off Friends".. recommended by Nad.. She shared this book with me.. and seriously i like the story although few words i dont really understand... ohh my english!! But seriously i love to read it... Story about a friend's relationship between girl and boy.. I like the way of Levi take care of Maccallan.. i wish i have one too....
this is how your screen will looks like.. it will be bigger if u used tab.. haaha suddenly I'm wishing to have tablets... So right now we can read everywhere anytime without heavily carried books... I usually read while i'm in my way to office or back from office.. it's already so boring to pass by same road everyday i need something more than just listening to music... yeah admit it i still like so called 'classic" way of reading.. no harm to eye as there's no direct light..
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Reading through eBook Reader and ePub Review
written from the Heart of
4/30/2014 07:18:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Sunday, April 27, 2014
It's time to pamper myself
Alhamdulillah dah lepas dah segala azab2 nak siapkan assignment.. being part time student and working in private company doesnt that so easy dude...u have to struggle.... thing is i have this really me really bad habit of loving to delay thing... As the first assignment finished i said to myself
"emmm...alaaa da 4minggu week la...minggu nak manja2kan diri...nak rest.."
Alhamdulillah dah lepas dah segala azab2 nak siapkan assignment.. being part time student and working in private company doesnt that so easy dude...u have to struggle.... thing is i have this really me really bad habit of loving to delay thing... As the first assignment finished i said to myself
"ok...aku nak buat awai2.. at least 1 soalan sehari.." tekad sangat di hati
"emmm...alaaa da 4minggu week la...minggu nak manja2kan diri...nak rest.."
"alaaa tak larat minggu satu lagi la..."
"sabtu and ahad ni ada event..tak pa la balik event baru buat la..."
memang tak la nak buat kan hahha
"ok ada training...pulakkkk"
Manusia memang tak pernah serik kan...or only me??? So after hectic week..after all the rising of blood pressure.. all that lack-of-sleep..all that eyecircle...eyebag and pimples spread as a result.. I'm going to pamper myself...yeeehaaaaa....
firstly congratulations to my cousin for the engagement..... yang ni belah mak...
settle engagement event ni... we straight away to QB as i wanna have a window shopping there.. dont cha u know shopping can release stress???
Sephora dah bukak kat QB... lega tak payah pergi KL ke Paragon...teeheee
so nak menghadiahkan diri sendiri a few things..
Sephora Green tea mask for rid off all the pimples caused by stress and lack of sleep..
minggu ni tidur 4 jam jek tau.. sebab balik malam pulun buat assignment..then esok tu kena bangun awal..
beli mascara sebab mascara dah habis.. kalau dulu mascara setahun pun tak habis.. sekarang ni kena beli every 3 month.. sebab dok pakai 10 lapis everyday hahahaha
oh yaa lawak tau time beli ni kena mentioned "sephora" kat counter baru dapat discount tau..
wishlist yang post kat FB ada pizza dalam list tu
tengok kat paper serious ngidam...
terus ajaq mak..
Chicken Spagetthi tu cam bukan taste iollsss la bijik cabai penuh kot hahaha
tapi Ramano Chicken pizza ni serious suka..
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motif nak tunjuk buku nak kena tangkap muka sekali hahahhaa |
Baucher buku dok ada lagi... hmmm RM250 rasa macam banyak jek kan kalau nak shopping buku..
cuba shopping baju ka bag ka baju confirm cerah hahhaha
So kali ni ke Borders beli buku lagi.. guna RM100 jek..
balance nak nanti nak pergi MPH pulak la...
as usual..
my sis gave it to me
they called it scallop kurung
kena reduce fat in order nampak molek kalau pakai scallop kurung ni..
written from the Heart of
4/27/2014 07:55:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Saturday, April 19, 2014
My First book...Jumping into reading world
perghhh lama gila xupdate kan..kan...tak hape no one ever care pun.. nak kata busy sangat pun tak tahu la assignment tak buat jugak.. haishhh tension rasa... susah la part timr student ni huhu whatever it is.. u have to go through it and survive baby!!! Memotivasikan diri adalah perlu.. sejak ber'smartphone' ni I admit jarang gila nak update blog sebab dulu update blog kat laptop sekarang bukak laptop pun jarang.. kes tu la assignment tak siap!! Tarik telinga sendiri... selalu apa2 yang nak post selain dekat FB mesti update kat blog.. tapi lanie...hmmm Instagram telah slowly turn away my attention from blogging. . But never make me stop blogging even tak ada sapa nak baca...muehe
tudiaa.. pendahuluan entry yang berjela... haaa special thanks to nadiah sebab inform pasal voucher buku tu... Alhamdulillah BRIM dapat Voucher buku pun dapat.. time ambik tu Chinese guy tu kata ok enjoy shopping books.. teehee.. so arini sabtu 19 April 2014.. bersama Cik Nad pergi shopping buku.. well besa lah kalau ada duit tak tahu buku apa nak beli.. tapi bila tak ada duit macam buku teringin... hampeh kan...
Last beli novel Mr.Arrogant tu..This time no malay novel anymore.. sebab tak mau cerita fairytale lagi.. nak berpijak pada bumi yang nyata.. nak buku yang bagi inspiration motivation semua tu..hihi so berjaya guna rm50 jek sebab tak tau nak beli apa lagi.. tak apa next trip shopping buku lagi..
So beli lah buky chicken soup ni untuk motivate diri...
perghhh lama gila xupdate kan..kan...tak hape no one ever care pun.. nak kata busy sangat pun tak tahu la assignment tak buat jugak.. haishhh tension rasa... susah la part timr student ni huhu whatever it is.. u have to go through it and survive baby!!! Memotivasikan diri adalah perlu.. sejak ber'smartphone' ni I admit jarang gila nak update blog sebab dulu update blog kat laptop sekarang bukak laptop pun jarang.. kes tu la assignment tak siap!! Tarik telinga sendiri... selalu apa2 yang nak post selain dekat FB mesti update kat blog.. tapi lanie...hmmm Instagram telah slowly turn away my attention from blogging. . But never make me stop blogging even tak ada sapa nak baca...muehe
tudiaa.. pendahuluan entry yang berjela... haaa special thanks to nadiah sebab inform pasal voucher buku tu... Alhamdulillah BRIM dapat Voucher buku pun dapat.. time ambik tu Chinese guy tu kata ok enjoy shopping books.. teehee.. so arini sabtu 19 April 2014.. bersama Cik Nad pergi shopping buku.. well besa lah kalau ada duit tak tahu buku apa nak beli.. tapi bila tak ada duit macam buku teringin... hampeh kan...
Last beli novel Mr.Arrogant tu..This time no malay novel anymore.. sebab tak mau cerita fairytale lagi.. nak berpijak pada bumi yang nyata.. nak buku yang bagi inspiration motivation semua tu..hihi so berjaya guna rm50 jek sebab tak tau nak beli apa lagi.. tak apa next trip shopping buku lagi..
So beli lah buky chicken soup ni untuk motivate diri...
written from the Heart of
4/19/2014 06:56:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek,
Monday, April 7, 2014
#GirlsDayOut : Penang Street Art @ Penang
Girly gathering again!!!. time2 camni la dapat jumpa my girls.... Cik Nas jek tak ikut... So kali ini walaupun we all adalah anak jati Penang... tapi kali ini jadi tourist... tourist dari Brunei...hey motif?? iolssss kepingin ke Brunei... So kali ni kita ke Penang Street Art yang heboh2 tu... Sebagai seorang yang berjiwa seni cintakan keunikan seni...iolssss suka tempat2 cmni.. Sebelum tu kami langkah laut..statement tak boleh belah nak kena langkah laut pergi seberang untuk lunch... nak makan bawal goreng panas2... tapi kedai tutup pulak... so pergi la 1 kedai ni... orang punya ramai ya rabbi... ahhh janji dapat makan....
then lalu JPP ke 2 okey.... dah rasmi... malu habaq hang kalau orang penang tak lalu sana lagi hehe.. jum Penang Street Art hunting....mula2 ingat semua satu tempat...tapi...
Selalunya orang nanti sewa basikal tau pergi tempat ni... nak naik beca tapi tak dapat sambutan huhuhu...
Girly gathering again!!!. time2 camni la dapat jumpa my girls.... Cik Nas jek tak ikut... So kali ini walaupun we all adalah anak jati Penang... tapi kali ini jadi tourist... tourist dari Brunei...hey motif?? iolssss kepingin ke Brunei... So kali ni kita ke Penang Street Art yang heboh2 tu... Sebagai seorang yang berjiwa seni cintakan keunikan seni...iolssss suka tempat2 cmni.. Sebelum tu kami langkah laut..statement tak boleh belah nak kena langkah laut pergi seberang untuk lunch... nak makan bawal goreng panas2... tapi kedai tutup pulak... so pergi la 1 kedai ni... orang punya ramai ya rabbi... ahhh janji dapat makan....
then lalu JPP ke 2 okey.... dah rasmi... malu habaq hang kalau orang penang tak lalu sana lagi hehe.. jum Penang Street Art hunting....mula2 ingat semua satu tempat...tapi...
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haaa ambik kau merata tempat.. |
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untung orang kulit sawo matang ni....we alll tak puteri lilin bagai... |
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unique.... because i love awesome...! |
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Friendship Forever |
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credit to photographer |
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Kami...Kita....Selamanya... |
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I heart this so so much.. |
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gambar bajet adalah harus di pengakhiran blog |
This is why Penang so awesome...
Our foods is just so delicious!!
we have great place too...
Come visit Penang!!!
written from the Heart of
4/07/2014 07:40:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Sunday, April 6, 2014
#GirlsDayOut : Kak Sue's Wedding
Yeah tahniah Kak Sue... student DIP6A sorang2 dah mengakhiri zaman bujang masing2.. Syukur alhamdulillah Si Hawa telah bertemu Sang Adam... cuma guys jek yang still steady tak ada yang pecah rekod kahwin lagi... yang girl2 jek dok kahwin...
So kali ni turn Kak Sue plak... Kenduri dekat Balik Pulau... so plan nak naik bus turun dekat Balik Pulau then Mirae nak datang pick up... tiba2 Mirae offer nak ambik...ouchhhh terharu kot...katanya pakai2 vogue nak naik bus...then nak hujan pulak...nanti basah2 plak.... tq so much darling...
So Mirae, Nana dan aku dalam pukul 3 camtu sampai rumah kenduri Kak Sue... wahhh cantiknya pelamin... Dress Kak Sue pun gorgeous... Mula la hati nak kahwin jugak...hahha dah kenapa...
Sempat la jumpa lecturer2 dan kawan2....sentap bila lecturer tanya we all "Datang sorang ke?" hahhaha.. hmm tak jumpa pun yang lain... sempat jumpa Nur dan Razman jek..ingatkan boleh la reunion...
So memang kami plan nak photoshoot...dapat plak ikut pengantin buat outdoor... pic snapping memang makanan iolsss...hahha
Yeah tahniah Kak Sue... student DIP6A sorang2 dah mengakhiri zaman bujang masing2.. Syukur alhamdulillah Si Hawa telah bertemu Sang Adam... cuma guys jek yang still steady tak ada yang pecah rekod kahwin lagi... yang girl2 jek dok kahwin...
So kali ni turn Kak Sue plak... Kenduri dekat Balik Pulau... so plan nak naik bus turun dekat Balik Pulau then Mirae nak datang pick up... tiba2 Mirae offer nak ambik...ouchhhh terharu kot...katanya pakai2 vogue nak naik bus...then nak hujan pulak...nanti basah2 plak.... tq so much darling...
So Mirae, Nana dan aku dalam pukul 3 camtu sampai rumah kenduri Kak Sue... wahhh cantiknya pelamin... Dress Kak Sue pun gorgeous... Mula la hati nak kahwin jugak...hahha dah kenapa...
Sempat la jumpa lecturer2 dan kawan2....sentap bila lecturer tanya we all "Datang sorang ke?" hahhaha.. hmm tak jumpa pun yang lain... sempat jumpa Nur dan Razman jek..ingatkan boleh la reunion...
So memang kami plan nak photoshoot...dapat plak ikut pengantin buat outdoor... pic snapping memang makanan iolsss...hahha
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kan cakap dress dia lawa... |
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Bergambar bersama pengantin adalah wajib.. |
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Dah pakai lawa2 jumpa plak photoshoot time! |
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As usual gambar bajet perlu ada hahhaa.. |
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Memikir masa depan |
OOTD from here
written from the Heart of
4/06/2014 06:41:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Wednesday, April 2, 2014
#ContactLensStory: Sexy Grey from SoftColour
It's already April....yeahh April!! 1st quater of the year already passed... and yet my target for the 1st quarter still not achieved yet...huhuhu.. ok baby dont worry there's another 3 month more teehee... So for this Awesome April! I've bought this Sexy Grey from SoftColour lens...
Just dont know why i chose grey color this month... saja la kot... Actually takut2 nak beli kaler grey takut nanti nampak macam hantu tak pun salah pilih muka nampak pale nanti..serius cakap... contact lens yang pakai hari2 kena matching dengan skincolor so that we dont look like.zzooooommmmmbiiieeee!!!
3 month usage...senang... dont know why the price stated RM68.00 but i bought it for RM45 only... that doesnt matter actually..and arghhhhh i bought wrong power one... it should PWR-3.25... Ya Allah... only Allah know why i confidently said my power 300... and guess what?? I only realized at office... Ya Allah jauhi la penyakit nyanyuk sebelum usia yang mara bahaya ni... see so terrible i am! patut lah vision tak berapa clear... hmmm dah purchase nak buat lagu mano ye dak...
It's already April....yeahh April!! 1st quater of the year already passed... and yet my target for the 1st quarter still not achieved yet...huhuhu.. ok baby dont worry there's another 3 month more teehee... So for this Awesome April! I've bought this Sexy Grey from SoftColour lens...
Just dont know why i chose grey color this month... saja la kot... Actually takut2 nak beli kaler grey takut nanti nampak macam hantu tak pun salah pilih muka nampak pale nanti..serius cakap... contact lens yang pakai hari2 kena matching dengan skincolor so that we dont look like.zzooooommmmmbiiieeee!!!
3 month usage...senang... dont know why the price stated RM68.00 but i bought it for RM45 only... that doesnt matter actually..and arghhhhh i bought wrong power one... it should PWR-3.25... Ya Allah... only Allah know why i confidently said my power 300... and guess what?? I only realized at office... Ya Allah jauhi la penyakit nyanyuk sebelum usia yang mara bahaya ni... see so terrible i am! patut lah vision tak berapa clear... hmmm dah purchase nak buat lagu mano ye dak...
Review time!
in the term of color..
does not so obvious..Just fine for me
I just love it..
written from the Heart of
4/02/2014 07:27:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

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