01/01/2014...yeyyyyyyyyy!!! dont be so excited zuzu... u just dont know what's gonna happen this year... something god or something bad...all leave it to Allah... Actually i wanna make this entry on 19 November 2013 because it's my first anniversary at my new workplace... yeah alhamdulillah...
Firstly i would like to thanks my friend for giving me opportunity to join this company... After attending interview while suffering at my old workplace Alhamdulillah Allah help me by allowing me to enter to new workplace... Actually there's no different between my old workplace n new one in the term of job task.. I still have to do multitasking job have so many job..but I somehow happy with this new one... And what i like the most is i can a lot of thing in this company... meet new people can improve my self n my communication skill.. And the very best one is my salary is usually on time hahaha... if previously i have to fight to get my pay but now it's always on time...Alhamdulillah... Even i have to stay longer at office sometimes have to work on weekend although it's so damn tired but end of the month yippeee OT claim... can go shopping... but this year i want to save more.. no shopping allowed... save for the future Zuzu!!
what i like about this company is although i dislike to go training sometimes... I learned a lot and my self will get improve by attending all the training.... Even not much but a little will do... About my colleague yeah they all fine...i can get along with them... So far my working environment is ok... Even sometimes i do really hate attending my hectic customer.... but it's already my it or not i have to face it... professionally! even sometimes i lose my temper huhuhu
So what i can say i just my job now... trying to improve my self day by day.. I'm so happy right now till i've gaining so much weight hahah nevermind 2014 my MilitaryDietPlan begin!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
About my current job
written from the Heart of
12/31/2013 08:06:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Sunday, December 29, 2013
2014 please be nice to me
2014 plak dah... rasa macam baru jek masuk 2013.. arghhhh menyesal membazir masa
dengan benda2 yang tak berfaedah... Kalau dihitung masa aq.. banyak dengan pembaziran masa
yeah 2013 aq memang sia2 kan waktu so aq boleh classifiedkan 2013 ni tahun penyembuhan aq so sebab tu ambik masa sikit embuh dari jatuh... Dengan macam2 yang berlaku.. Alhamdulillah di penghujung 2013aq macam dapat injection plak... penuh semangat! Hopefully selamanya..
ok kita imbas balik momen2 indah 2013...
momen2 sedih usah dikenang... achievement paling utama for me mestilah pergi Singaporedengan duit hasil titik peluh sendiri.. walau rasa cam mimpi tapi Alhamdulillah.. Then pergi Medan... dua ni dari segi travelling la..Dari segi aset hmmm rasanya tak ada lagi.. tu la boros beli benda yang tak payah beli.. That's all la kot.. Kan dah kata 2013 tahun penyembuhan.. So 2014 ni akan jadi zaman kebangkitan Zuzu Obaithee aiseh... macam sempoi2.. maksudnya zaman bangkit dari jatuh dan lena yang panjang..
Firstly masuk2 jek 2014 ni aq nak settle isu lesen kereta aq.. sejak dari 2011 ke 2012 kot.. Memang punca la zuzu obaithee.. So 2014 nak daftar kat tempat lain..malu kiah ooii kalau p tempat sama... So aq plan first quater of 2014 i'm gonna settle down my car's license.. yes i promise! Punca dulu tu sebab suka tanguh2... sekarang ni aq memang pantang kalau nak tangguh2 ni.. sebab masa yang berlalu tak kan boleh ulang kembali.. Bear it in mind guys!!
So di 2014 ni aq nak buat self development.. untuk menjadi lebih dewasa dan lebih berguna... Tak mau lengah2 masa... dan aq kena jadi lebih kuat sebab 2014 adalah tahun yang sangat tough untuk aq.. tambah2 sambung study ni campur dengan keja lagi.. sebab nasib orang tak sama.. ada yang perlu stop study dan keja ada yang kahwin ada yang kena lalui kesukaran hidup ada yang segalanya senang... So apa pun nasib kita.. kita kena bersemangat dan think positive.. lagipun hidup bukan lama pun...
Banyak sangat yang aq nak achieve dan nak buat dalam 2014.. malu nak wat wishlist bagai.. maybe aq hanya akan wat entry kalau dah accomplished nanti ye... Oh ya 2014 rasa nak bercuti... kalau boleh selain dari pergi dengan kengkawan... nak bawa family pergi bercuti... dalam negeri je la.. ingat aq manager bank ke nak bawak ke overseas... Kalau ada rezeki lebih boleh la.. amin..
Hmmm this year punya azam konon nak lose weight bagi jadik 42KG...sekali ambik kau jadik 52KG (tu pn last check sekarang tak tahu la serius super ngeri nak check berat) sebab terlalu manjakan diri dengan chocolate bar la cake la segala tok nenek tu... So 2014 nak kembali 45KG cam dulu... So boleh balik pakai baju dulu2... Dah planning dengan Cik Nad untuk jogging every weekend... Untuk diet kadang2 kena ada partner...
2014 plak dah... rasa macam baru jek masuk 2013.. arghhhh menyesal membazir masa
dengan benda2 yang tak berfaedah... Kalau dihitung masa aq.. banyak dengan pembaziran masa
yeah 2013 aq memang sia2 kan waktu so aq boleh classifiedkan 2013 ni tahun penyembuhan aq so sebab tu ambik masa sikit embuh dari jatuh... Dengan macam2 yang berlaku.. Alhamdulillah di penghujung 2013aq macam dapat injection plak... penuh semangat! Hopefully selamanya..
ok kita imbas balik momen2 indah 2013...
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Setiap gambar ada cerita indah disebaliknya |
momen2 sedih usah dikenang... achievement paling utama for me mestilah pergi Singaporedengan duit hasil titik peluh sendiri.. walau rasa cam mimpi tapi Alhamdulillah.. Then pergi Medan... dua ni dari segi travelling la..Dari segi aset hmmm rasanya tak ada lagi.. tu la boros beli benda yang tak payah beli.. That's all la kot.. Kan dah kata 2013 tahun penyembuhan.. So 2014 ni akan jadi zaman kebangkitan Zuzu Obaithee aiseh... macam sempoi2.. maksudnya zaman bangkit dari jatuh dan lena yang panjang..
Firstly masuk2 jek 2014 ni aq nak settle isu lesen kereta aq.. sejak dari 2011 ke 2012 kot.. Memang punca la zuzu obaithee.. So 2014 nak daftar kat tempat lain..malu kiah ooii kalau p tempat sama... So aq plan first quater of 2014 i'm gonna settle down my car's license.. yes i promise! Punca dulu tu sebab suka tanguh2... sekarang ni aq memang pantang kalau nak tangguh2 ni.. sebab masa yang berlalu tak kan boleh ulang kembali.. Bear it in mind guys!!
So di 2014 ni aq nak buat self development.. untuk menjadi lebih dewasa dan lebih berguna... Tak mau lengah2 masa... dan aq kena jadi lebih kuat sebab 2014 adalah tahun yang sangat tough untuk aq.. tambah2 sambung study ni campur dengan keja lagi.. sebab nasib orang tak sama.. ada yang perlu stop study dan keja ada yang kahwin ada yang kena lalui kesukaran hidup ada yang segalanya senang... So apa pun nasib kita.. kita kena bersemangat dan think positive.. lagipun hidup bukan lama pun...
Banyak sangat yang aq nak achieve dan nak buat dalam 2014.. malu nak wat wishlist bagai.. maybe aq hanya akan wat entry kalau dah accomplished nanti ye... Oh ya 2014 rasa nak bercuti... kalau boleh selain dari pergi dengan kengkawan... nak bawa family pergi bercuti... dalam negeri je la.. ingat aq manager bank ke nak bawak ke overseas... Kalau ada rezeki lebih boleh la.. amin..
yokkk fighting!!
2014 please be nice to me!
Hmmm this year punya azam konon nak lose weight bagi jadik 42KG...sekali ambik kau jadik 52KG (tu pn last check sekarang tak tahu la serius super ngeri nak check berat) sebab terlalu manjakan diri dengan chocolate bar la cake la segala tok nenek tu... So 2014 nak kembali 45KG cam dulu... So boleh balik pakai baju dulu2... Dah planning dengan Cik Nad untuk jogging every weekend... Untuk diet kadang2 kena ada partner...
written from the Heart of
12/29/2013 12:44:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Student Life again! Student of WOU! JAN 2104 Intake!
Yeah di penghujung 2013 akhirnya berjaya continue study jugak... Alhamdulillah accomplished dah azam tahun ini... Aq seriously tak tahu whether yang ni tepat ka tidak ke apa ke.. Yang aq tau aku nak sambung study!! So sesukar mana pun aq tak boleh quit! not this time again Zuzu Obaithee! If not now then when?! so here i am...
Right now i do hope help from Allah SWT because I know 2014 gonna be tough year for me... Mohon Allah SWT kuatkan hati! Aq tak mahu tangguh2 lagi umur pun dah masuk 24tahun... Apa pun tak ada lagi... Masa sekarang plak cepat berlalu..tambah2 private staff macam aq... Kerja memang mostly more than 12hour... Nak whining pun tak berapa molek sangat sebab tu punca rezeki...hehehe
Yeah di penghujung 2013 akhirnya berjaya continue study jugak... Alhamdulillah accomplished dah azam tahun ini... Aq seriously tak tahu whether yang ni tepat ka tidak ke apa ke.. Yang aq tau aku nak sambung study!! So sesukar mana pun aq tak boleh quit! not this time again Zuzu Obaithee! If not now then when?! so here i am...
Right now i do hope help from Allah SWT because I know 2014 gonna be tough year for me... Mohon Allah SWT kuatkan hati! Aq tak mahu tangguh2 lagi umur pun dah masuk 24tahun... Apa pun tak ada lagi... Masa sekarang plak cepat berlalu..tambah2 private staff macam aq... Kerja memang mostly more than 12hour... Nak whining pun tak berapa molek sangat sebab tu punca rezeki...hehehe
So 28 December2013 pergi settle semua..
hmmm agak sakit gak la bayaq yuran dia..
tambah Year End Sale sekarang ni
Tak boleh shopping banyak2!
xapa Zuzu Obaithee
Kad Matrik!!
student again!
Kembali rasa muda!
ambik 2 subjek jek first sem ni
1 subjek RM800...T_T
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quote for the day! |
written from the Heart of
12/28/2013 09:46:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Mom's 61th Birthday Celebration
Ok this entry just wanna share about my Mom's birthday last month... Birthday Mak 29 November.. P celebrate 1 December..sebab kena p OT huhu.. see banyak gila nak share kena postpone jek... sebelum nak masuk 2014 kena publish siap2 semua entry... masuk 2014 nak semua fresh2..
Ok this entry just wanna share about my Mom's birthday last month... Birthday Mak 29 November.. P celebrate 1 December..sebab kena p OT huhu.. see banyak gila nak share kena postpone jek... sebelum nak masuk 2014 kena publish siap2 semua entry... masuk 2014 nak semua fresh2..
Just three of us..
Happy Birthday Mak!!
yang ke 61
Mak dah tua
cucu tak dak lagi
Happiness is when u see your mother smile
and u r the reason of it!
and u r the reason of it!
p/s: Even family dah tak macam dulu... I'll try to make everyone happy!
written from the Heart of
12/28/2013 05:37:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Special Event
Thursday, December 26, 2013
My New Supplement Radiglow By Skinfiniti
As my life getting hectic and sometimes i used to get not enough rest..I've noticed that it affect my skin too... and i'm soooo sooooo fear about aging problem.. lagi2 nampak wrinkles around my eyes... This is nightmare!! So after doing research by research... I olsss kan cemtu... Before consume or change product I'll usually do some research through internet.. read all the testimonials... And after satisfied then only i'll make decision to purchase it!
For this product, I actually get impressed with my colleague's skin..Kak Shida... Her face is fairer maybe she's naturally white but it looks glowing and pretty... So that day I saw Radiglow paper bag on her table.. I asked her about that.. Yeah she'd consumed it... After doing some research at Internet yeahh after review all the testimonial from blog from FB so i am ready to consume it too!
I sacrificed my RM160 to buy it... 1 box contained 2 bottles of Radiglow ( 30 tablets each).. Just 2 tablets once a day.. Pagi2 lepas mandi makan kunyah2 sambil ironing clothes... kena makan time perut kosong.. And as usual no coffee no tea and of course drink more and more water... Yeah one big applause to myself.. I've succeed in not taking any coffee since day 1 i consume this supplement... it's quite suffering at first now i'm used to eat.. I've changed my coffee to Milo..Minum milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat! tiba2 iklan... Drink more water? yeah i'm in the process of that... my problem is i'm working in a very cold environment... even i dont drink more water i often go to toilet due to coldness... So just imagine if i push myself to drink 2-3litres of water daily... argghhhh but this time i'll disciplined myself.. chaiyok babeyh!!! even i have to do urination like frequently... T_T
Well it said that berkesan seawal 7 hari well i dont put a high hope on that... I'll keep on consuming it..because I dont even finish consume 1 bottle takkan la kulit nak terus cantik kan tambah2 yang banyak toxic dalam badan like me... Let's the public judge my appearance later hopefully =_="...
Actually I do hope that all my pimples and scars will fade away.. and my skin wont look gloomy... so that i dont have to wear foundation anymore!..
p/s: supplementku...sila berkelakuan baik dan berkesan yeee...
As my life getting hectic and sometimes i used to get not enough rest..I've noticed that it affect my skin too... and i'm soooo sooooo fear about aging problem.. lagi2 nampak wrinkles around my eyes... This is nightmare!! So after doing research by research... I olsss kan cemtu... Before consume or change product I'll usually do some research through internet.. read all the testimonials... And after satisfied then only i'll make decision to purchase it!
For this product, I actually get impressed with my colleague's skin..Kak Shida... Her face is fairer maybe she's naturally white but it looks glowing and pretty... So that day I saw Radiglow paper bag on her table.. I asked her about that.. Yeah she'd consumed it... After doing some research at Internet yeahh after review all the testimonial from blog from FB so i am ready to consume it too!
I sacrificed my RM160 to buy it... 1 box contained 2 bottles of Radiglow ( 30 tablets each).. Just 2 tablets once a day.. Pagi2 lepas mandi makan kunyah2 sambil ironing clothes... kena makan time perut kosong.. And as usual no coffee no tea and of course drink more and more water... Yeah one big applause to myself.. I've succeed in not taking any coffee since day 1 i consume this supplement... it's quite suffering at first now i'm used to eat.. I've changed my coffee to Milo..Minum milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat! tiba2 iklan... Drink more water? yeah i'm in the process of that... my problem is i'm working in a very cold environment... even i dont drink more water i often go to toilet due to coldness... So just imagine if i push myself to drink 2-3litres of water daily... argghhhh but this time i'll disciplined myself.. chaiyok babeyh!!! even i have to do urination like frequently... T_T
Well it said that berkesan seawal 7 hari well i dont put a high hope on that... I'll keep on consuming it..because I dont even finish consume 1 bottle takkan la kulit nak terus cantik kan tambah2 yang banyak toxic dalam badan like me... Let's the public judge my appearance later hopefully =_="...
Actually I do hope that all my pimples and scars will fade away.. and my skin wont look gloomy... so that i dont have to wear foundation anymore!..
p/s: supplementku...sila berkelakuan baik dan berkesan yeee...
written from the Heart of
12/26/2013 06:05:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

#product review,
D'Herbs Lipstick Collagen
Kena rushing ni...kena rushing... sebab dah nak masuk 2014 tapi draft entry masih banyak tak publish lagi.. So nak publish semua tentang 2013 then start 2014 fresh...fresh as orange juice...nyum2 marvelous... motif?? nothing....
So I've been using this lipstick quite sometimes sebab terjatuh cinta guna time Nisa guna kat Medan that day... Sejak masuk umur dua puluhan ni memang word "COLLAGEN" memang menjadi eye's catching...kihkih... So disamping buat bibir kita sweet2 gitu so mulut kita akan maintain mulus cemtu... Ayuh ramai2 feeling Angelina Jolie!!
As a person yang tak tahu which lipstick's color that suit my skin tone so menjadi problemo la jugak nak pakai lipstick.. dah la kena pakai tiap2 hari! SO pakai jek lipstick ni dia akan sendiri tukar color bibir kita ikut darah and body temperature... Selalunya akan jadi pinkish2 gitu.. Harga RM25 jek kot kalau tak salah..
Kena rushing ni...kena rushing... sebab dah nak masuk 2014 tapi draft entry masih banyak tak publish lagi.. So nak publish semua tentang 2013 then start 2014 fresh...fresh as orange juice...nyum2 marvelous... motif?? nothing....
So I've been using this lipstick quite sometimes sebab terjatuh cinta guna time Nisa guna kat Medan that day... Sejak masuk umur dua puluhan ni memang word "COLLAGEN" memang menjadi eye's catching...kihkih... So disamping buat bibir kita sweet2 gitu so mulut kita akan maintain mulus cemtu... Ayuh ramai2 feeling Angelina Jolie!!
As a person yang tak tahu which lipstick's color that suit my skin tone so menjadi problemo la jugak nak pakai lipstick.. dah la kena pakai tiap2 hari! SO pakai jek lipstick ni dia akan sendiri tukar color bibir kita ikut darah and body temperature... Selalunya akan jadi pinkish2 gitu.. Harga RM25 jek kot kalau tak salah..
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cemgini la rupo dia.. |
gambar bibir tak pulak nak tangkap huhuhu
calit2 sikit bibir dah jadi pinky gitu
keja kat front liner mulut merah kena maintain selalu..=_="
kang kena tegur dengan bos dalam meeting...
calit2 sikit bibir dah jadi pinky gitu
keja kat front liner mulut merah kena maintain selalu..=_="
kang kena tegur dengan bos dalam meeting...
written from the Heart of
12/26/2013 06:03:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

#product review
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Annual Dinner MBSB 2013 : Rhythm of the Beat!
Yeah like truly i just came back from KL... so tired but i wont stop myself from posting entry in my abandoned blog... ohhh so poor on u my blog..Mummy promise to update frequently!! bhahahaha stop talking...
Ok here come my office annual dinner... our theme as mentioned in previous entry that make me so headache what to wear! So i choose to wear black n red... Fierce, Strong n mystery.... So i arrived KL at 4pm like that... n our dinner start at 6pm...haiyooo so jammed.. We quickly check in at Radius International Hotel located at Bukit Bintang...Hotspot right bhahaha.... our dinner is at Grand Ballroom, KLCC... Actually we are so damnly late.. This time i request for makeup hehhehe saja galak... hmmm RM130 la terbang jugak... skali sekala teringin.... As i requested for MUA lagi la makan masa kan... At 6pm we should be in the bus... but unfortunately due to some technical problem I'm only get ready at 6.30pm tu pun tak ready properly... dah turun kat Lobby with one of my colleague Kak Sayang tengok2 bas berlalu pergi..hmmmm padan muka ko!! Luckily Kak Sayang brought car so we went to KLCC with her car together with Mr.Ryan, Logan and Nick... Dah la kalut2 siap dengan tudung cincai jek pakai... masuk KLCC pakai cemgini memang catch people's attention... can u guys imagine camna mak jemah tebalkan muka yang menang tebal mekap ni...bhahaha haaa nasib baik la pakai kasut tu agak kena la jugak dengan baju.. sebab tak sempat nak balik bilik ambik kasut...huhuhuhu sentap....
As we arrived at the place... take our card..arghhhh we need to sit separately... segan la nak ramah mesra dengan colleague2 branch lain2...tambah plak meja kita full with boys so i just sit besides my friend Nas..hahah tak ikut rule pun... Tema clubbing masuk fog screen we have to stamp our hand... i dont know that! hmmm muzik dum dam dum dam i all memang suka gila... nak menari rasa tapi dah bertudung sila la buat perangai molek kan tu pun aq goyang kaki badan n kepala sesikit..
untungla depa...
Yeah like truly i just came back from KL... so tired but i wont stop myself from posting entry in my abandoned blog... ohhh so poor on u my blog..Mummy promise to update frequently!! bhahahaha stop talking...
Ok here come my office annual dinner... our theme as mentioned in previous entry that make me so headache what to wear! So i choose to wear black n red... Fierce, Strong n mystery.... So i arrived KL at 4pm like that... n our dinner start at 6pm...haiyooo so jammed.. We quickly check in at Radius International Hotel located at Bukit Bintang...Hotspot right bhahaha.... our dinner is at Grand Ballroom, KLCC... Actually we are so damnly late.. This time i request for makeup hehhehe saja galak... hmmm RM130 la terbang jugak... skali sekala teringin.... As i requested for MUA lagi la makan masa kan... At 6pm we should be in the bus... but unfortunately due to some technical problem I'm only get ready at 6.30pm tu pun tak ready properly... dah turun kat Lobby with one of my colleague Kak Sayang tengok2 bas berlalu pergi..hmmmm padan muka ko!! Luckily Kak Sayang brought car so we went to KLCC with her car together with Mr.Ryan, Logan and Nick... Dah la kalut2 siap dengan tudung cincai jek pakai... masuk KLCC pakai cemgini memang catch people's attention... can u guys imagine camna mak jemah tebalkan muka yang menang tebal mekap ni...bhahaha haaa nasib baik la pakai kasut tu agak kena la jugak dengan baju.. sebab tak sempat nak balik bilik ambik kasut...huhuhuhu sentap....
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Outfit of the day |
kasut spoilt...nasib la kasut ni jenis wedges jugak..klu selipar mampus aq! arghhh spoilt mood!
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makeup by Eyda Kay.., akak ni makeup untuk retis2 |
As we arrived at the place... take our card..arghhhh we need to sit separately... segan la nak ramah mesra dengan colleague2 branch lain2...tambah plak meja kita full with boys so i just sit besides my friend Nas..hahah tak ikut rule pun... Tema clubbing masuk fog screen we have to stamp our hand... i dont know that! hmmm muzik dum dam dum dam i all memang suka gila... nak menari rasa tapi dah bertudung sila la buat perangai molek kan tu pun aq goyang kaki badan n kepala sesikit..
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with Reen....setup tudung lain dalam toilet bhahahha |
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tangkap dengan si kenit memang kena tunduk sikit..sorry nas! |
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My Boss memang sangat tinggi...sebab tu nampak lagi kerdil T_T |
overall the night is so awesome!
Ada Stacy and Dayang Nurfaezah buat performance
peserta2 MBSB's got talent...
i just enjoy the night even not really but i just love it!
walaupun tak dapat hadiah apa pun tapi dapat la doorgift powerbank hehe
tahniah staff yang dapat lucky draw TV, Ipod Nano, Camera..
Holiday at Macau, Beijing, Bali, Jakarta, Hanoi
grand prize
6Days 5Night at London full board tuu
untungla depa...
written from the Heart of
12/15/2013 02:56:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Special Event
Teater Orang Minyak Boraq Senandung
pfftttt....Already mid of December 2013... My life getting more hectic this day... unstoppable OT and training... pwehhhh so exhausted... Think positive!! More OT, More Money!! hahaha... So as i'm so stressful so exhausted and with this hectic life so i am rewarding myself to something new to cheer my own self.. I decided to join my colleague to watch theater... I guess I never watch any theater yet...!
So here come Orang Minyak Buraq Senandung! Live in USM!!.. We are giving support to our friend who participate in that theater....u go dude! So after training at Bayview Hotel at 5pm.. I'm straight away to Kak Shida house as the theater will be started at 8.30pm... Lepaking at Kak Shida's house then we straight to USM.. Abang Jee gave us a lift there...thanks...
We just on time...pwehhhh thought we are late due to some technical problem... For me the theater is quite ok...I've laughed loudly...seriously can't control myself... Laugh until all the tears comes out... relief all stress.. Only Allah know how I feel that night....Like being said oftenly.. Laugh is the best medicine!
The theater finished around 11pm like that and photo time!!!
pfftttt....Already mid of December 2013... My life getting more hectic this day... unstoppable OT and training... pwehhhh so exhausted... Think positive!! More OT, More Money!! hahaha... So as i'm so stressful so exhausted and with this hectic life so i am rewarding myself to something new to cheer my own self.. I decided to join my colleague to watch theater... I guess I never watch any theater yet...!
So here come Orang Minyak Buraq Senandung! Live in USM!!.. We are giving support to our friend who participate in that theater....u go dude! So after training at Bayview Hotel at 5pm.. I'm straight away to Kak Shida house as the theater will be started at 8.30pm... Lepaking at Kak Shida's house then we straight to USM.. Abang Jee gave us a lift there...thanks...
We just on time...pwehhhh thought we are late due to some technical problem... For me the theater is quite ok...I've laughed loudly...seriously can't control myself... Laugh until all the tears comes out... relief all stress.. Only Allah know how I feel that night....Like being said oftenly.. Laugh is the best medicine!
The theater finished around 11pm like that and photo time!!!
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Hairi Anak Wayang... |
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yeah sometimes we gave to give our self reward!
written from the Heart of
12/15/2013 02:20:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Special Event
Friday, November 22, 2013
Food Review: Restoran qasar hadramawt @ Bukit Mertajam
Hey dah lama kot tak buat food review kan... So yesterday balik jek dari kerja.. Me and few of my colleague Kak Shida. Nisa and En.Amir and aslo Adam.. went to give a visit to our colleague Kak Niesa at KPJ..sebab anak dia sakit.. poor Arash... Get well soon baby!! So after that sebab most of us are not having our lunch yet so we planned to have dine at nearest restaurant.. And Restoran Qasar Hadramawt is our destination.. Arabian cuisine beb... Iollsss kan memang minat...minat makan....bhahaha
So we ate
pwehhhh makan kambing lagi... memang very delicacy... dengan enviroment dia hmmm memang arabic feeling...
Price pun affordable la satu pinggan kongsi ramai2... overall kami makan 5orang baru RM99 jek...
Hey dah lama kot tak buat food review kan... So yesterday balik jek dari kerja.. Me and few of my colleague Kak Shida. Nisa and En.Amir and aslo Adam.. went to give a visit to our colleague Kak Niesa at KPJ..sebab anak dia sakit.. poor Arash... Get well soon baby!! So after that sebab most of us are not having our lunch yet so we planned to have dine at nearest restaurant.. And Restoran Qasar Hadramawt is our destination.. Arabian cuisine beb... Iollsss kan memang minat...minat makan....bhahaha
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pic from google |
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Lamb Khabsa and Chicken Khabsa |
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Pic from google |
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pic from google |
ok voting time!!
Price: *****
Environment: *****
Revisit : Sure...!! very definetely
written from the Heart of
11/22/2013 11:57:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Food Review
Grey Trilogy Color Con By Adore
Contact lens's review again for the month of November...Actually this contact lens is for me to wear for my office's annual dinner... Konon feeling clubbing la sangat... So i chose to wear grey color... I want something yang obvious but not to obvious.. haaa camna tu... sebab previously pernah beli jugak tapi tak nampak macam grey tapi most to blue tak pun nampak black... So terpilih color ni.. This time i bought from optic shop.. Saja nak try brand yang tak pernah try..
Contact lens's review again for the month of November...Actually this contact lens is for me to wear for my office's annual dinner... Konon feeling clubbing la sangat... So i chose to wear grey color... I want something yang obvious but not to obvious.. haaa camna tu... sebab previously pernah beli jugak tapi tak nampak macam grey tapi most to blue tak pun nampak black... So terpilih color ni.. This time i bought from optic shop.. Saja nak try brand yang tak pernah try..
Me say :
Color obvious sangat plak.. but i still wear it to office.. reason? becuase my previous already expired..
Long wearing...not recommended because my eyes getting reddish..
comfort... so confortable..
written from the Heart of
11/22/2013 08:34:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Sunday, November 17, 2013
Obsession : Double Eyelid feeling Park Boom
Mid of November! Next month is December then 2014...means that I'm turning into 24 years old oohh...oh.. ok not so old kan..kan... 6 years to go for 3 series..very the worry... orait... let's be forever 21! Actually i bought this thing long time ago.. now only i know how to use it.. I mean use it correctly and properly.. I'm out to try to use eyelid.. Do u guys know what is eyelid? alaaa yang kat mata tu... Well i'm not born to have that so called double eyelid like Park Boom... Search to know how it looks like... but Park Boom depa kata dia buat plastic surgery..
masih kurang ngerti apa itu... enggak usah gusar...lihat pic..
I bought this eyelid tape just Rm5.00....
Dah alang2 menyeluk segala pekasam... Nak try make up Dinner sebab Dinner just around the corner and i were so stress because didnt buy any cloth.. just bought bag... pwehhhh hopefully I found the cheapest2 one..
Mid of November! Next month is December then 2014...means that I'm turning into 24 years old oohh...oh.. ok not so old kan..kan... 6 years to go for 3 series..very the worry... orait... let's be forever 21! Actually i bought this thing long time ago.. now only i know how to use it.. I mean use it correctly and properly.. I'm out to try to use eyelid.. Do u guys know what is eyelid? alaaa yang kat mata tu... Well i'm not born to have that so called double eyelid like Park Boom... Search to know how it looks like... but Park Boom depa kata dia buat plastic surgery..
masih kurang ngerti apa itu... enggak usah gusar...lihat pic..
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pic from google |
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cemgini la rupo dio... |
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close up.. rupo cam mata bengkak la effect dio.. |
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haa cemgini la.. macam mata lepas nangis teresak2... |
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ok feeling mata Park Boom |
From trying to do Smokey Eye for that Night of Music and Dance..
turn to be
Dolly plak dah..
in the process of learning to draw eyebrow and make nose shape...endup something so creepy...muehehhe
never stop learning girl!!!
written from the Heart of
11/17/2013 05:34:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Saturday, November 16, 2013
When a beauty is a must in LOVE..
Actually this new is already long time ago.. but quite new because it happen this year if i'm not mistaken... What makes me wanna make entry about this because this new touch my heart... I think this is not fair.. I dont know who to put the blame for.. but everyone have their own flaw..
What a happy family in just a potrait.. It is said that the father had sued the mother for the ugly children... oh my... The true father shouldnt said thing like this...! Maybe he dont believed that they all are his children maybe try to accuse that his wife had an affair... But thanks to DNA test. They are his son... But the real truth comes out where actually the wife had done plastic surgery to make her beautiful.. I've seen her face before the plastic surgery.. really different from this one... Well this must be the consequence... But what about the children..? Have to heard all this from their own father... What a very sympathy..
Does he married his wife because of the beauty only..?? all guys are all like that.. not all but most of them.. For the girl, maybe she faced so many difficulty so many ridicule so she takes the action to do plastic surgery.. But the fact is most of korean girl will do plastic surgery..I've read this in one article... So poor on the children... this is the reward when love and marriage is all depend on beautiful... So we as the not-so-pretty girl please dont do any plastic surgery to make us beautiful.. Because beautiful just temporary.. And for muslim u guys know it is against our religion. It's a blessed to get someone who doesnt care about our look.. but still he loves us.. If he truly love us he'll not care about our look our bodyshape....
Actually this new is already long time ago.. but quite new because it happen this year if i'm not mistaken... What makes me wanna make entry about this because this new touch my heart... I think this is not fair.. I dont know who to put the blame for.. but everyone have their own flaw..
What a happy family in just a potrait.. It is said that the father had sued the mother for the ugly children... oh my... The true father shouldnt said thing like this...! Maybe he dont believed that they all are his children maybe try to accuse that his wife had an affair... But thanks to DNA test. They are his son... But the real truth comes out where actually the wife had done plastic surgery to make her beautiful.. I've seen her face before the plastic surgery.. really different from this one... Well this must be the consequence... But what about the children..? Have to heard all this from their own father... What a very sympathy..
Does he married his wife because of the beauty only..?? all guys are all like that.. not all but most of them.. For the girl, maybe she faced so many difficulty so many ridicule so she takes the action to do plastic surgery.. But the fact is most of korean girl will do plastic surgery..I've read this in one article... So poor on the children... this is the reward when love and marriage is all depend on beautiful... So we as the not-so-pretty girl please dont do any plastic surgery to make us beautiful.. Because beautiful just temporary.. And for muslim u guys know it is against our religion. It's a blessed to get someone who doesnt care about our look.. but still he loves us.. If he truly love us he'll not care about our look our bodyshape....
Some of u girl may face problem just like
"Darling... why are u wearing this cloth? why dont u wear like that girl.."
"Darling dont eat this.. u wanna gain your weight?"
"Darling...please do something about your face.."
"Darling...please change your hair/hijab style...bla..bla..."
"Darling.... u know my Ex-gf used to wear like bla...bla.. why dont u wear like her?"
"Darling.. dont eat that! u know i'll leave u if u fat"
"Darling...please change your style..."
Huh.. Yeah i didnt said that u dont have to groom yourself.. Just be yourself... Love is about being yourself and being more better and being acceptable by your spouse just like the way u are...
written from the Heart of
11/16/2013 07:53:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Friday, November 15, 2013
Product Review : Wet Tissues from Simple
Wet Tissues from Simple
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nampak sangat beli kat guardian... |
Lepas tengok Cik Nad kita beli that day rasa nak beli plak... Sebab kadang2 balik lewat kerja dah penat teramat sangat macam aku yang bawa bas kihkih so jadi malas...jadi malas gila nak cuci makeup betul2... then memang azab la jerawat tumbuh merata2... dah kulit memang oily and sensitive seperti orangnya... lepas pakai makeup remover dekat mata then cuci muka pakai cleanser bila apply toner boleh nampak still ada makeup yang tak hilang... Takkan nak tenyeh muka setengah jam kot.. ingat larat ke baru balik kerja penat2..
So for the best solution ever i choose to purchase this! easy.. balik rumah tarik keluar then tonyoh muka semahunya aiseh buat lembut2 tak baik dera kulit...
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nah ambik kau.. segala mascara..segala eyeliner...powder... |
Result dia memang best... muka memang rasa licin jek.. soft2 gitu...
memang ✶✶✶✶✶ la i give!
written from the Heart of
11/15/2013 07:41:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

#product review
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Product Review :The Rocket from Maybelline
Yeah as my sister gonna get married soon...actually not very soon just next year... for me it's soon.. So i'm aware that after this i have to purchase and start to have my own make up collection... As a person who is so sayang-duit nak beli makeup so I have to start purchase from now.. one month one makeup but end up to buy 3 per month muehehehe... So today i would like to make review about my new mascara collection.. from maybelline.. haaa baru lah mampu beli tu pun lepas 45% discount sale at guardian that day.. so the price after less is RM19.25 only!! from RN48.90 kot original price... apa lagi rembat la kiah!!!
Yeah as my sister gonna get married soon...actually not very soon just next year... for me it's soon.. So i'm aware that after this i have to purchase and start to have my own make up collection... As a person who is so sayang-duit nak beli makeup so I have to start purchase from now.. one month one makeup but end up to buy 3 per month muehehehe... So today i would like to make review about my new mascara collection.. from maybelline.. haaa baru lah mampu beli tu pun lepas 45% discount sale at guardian that day.. so the price after less is RM19.25 only!! from RN48.90 kot original price... apa lagi rembat la kiah!!!
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taraaa |
I like the result so much,,, see look like fake eyelashes.. even not really but i just like the result...
written from the Heart of
11/12/2013 08:30:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

#product review
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Just to update
nothing so important... just totally nothing at all... just wanna post entry... just wanna typing... just want to use my time left...just and it just nothing... Actually i feel so down... dont know why.... yeah PMS perhaps... but this time it's just too deep...
because i'm so tired..just so tired...
everything just seems all wrong
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Dismay |
written from the Heart of
11/09/2013 05:07:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Saturday, November 2, 2013
To continue study in WOU
Hi there! It's weekend Sunday! and I awake so early....hahaha dont know why.... Tomorrow for damn sure when i wake up i'll feel so damn sleepy... why when it's holiday i feel so active in the morning... u know.. wake up so early... and feel so fresh... when it's a workdays i cannot wake up!!!
Alright stop all this ridiculous thingy... So yesterday Nas and me went to WOU's Open Day... Actually i would like to continue my study for a better life after this hopefully or still the same....pffttt.... I really dont know whether it is a right time or right place or else... But what i know day by day i'm getting older and older..and I need to do something right seriously if not now then when???!!
But my big problem now is i dont know which course to choose...Banking and Finance or Management... As i'm working in banking field i guess should take banking and finance... But the job field's scope for only banking and financial only... If i take Management...I can work everywhere.. So like seriously i feel so in dilemma....
It's like to chose which guy u should get married hahahha contoh yang sangat tak boleh belah... I'm really afraid to continue all this... u guys know la previously dah masuk USM then quit plak.. So nak masuk sekarang ni umpama dulu dah pernah kahwin then bercerai sekarang nak kahwin lagi so rasa macam takut perkahwinan kali ini akan jadi seperti dulu... haaaa camtu la feel dia habaq hang...
Hi there! It's weekend Sunday! and I awake so early....hahaha dont know why.... Tomorrow for damn sure when i wake up i'll feel so damn sleepy... why when it's holiday i feel so active in the morning... u know.. wake up so early... and feel so fresh... when it's a workdays i cannot wake up!!!
Alright stop all this ridiculous thingy... So yesterday Nas and me went to WOU's Open Day... Actually i would like to continue my study for a better life after this hopefully or still the same....pffttt.... I really dont know whether it is a right time or right place or else... But what i know day by day i'm getting older and older..and I need to do something right seriously if not now then when???!!
But my big problem now is i dont know which course to choose...Banking and Finance or Management... As i'm working in banking field i guess should take banking and finance... But the job field's scope for only banking and financial only... If i take Management...I can work everywhere.. So like seriously i feel so in dilemma....
It's like to chose which guy u should get married hahahha contoh yang sangat tak boleh belah... I'm really afraid to continue all this... u guys know la previously dah masuk USM then quit plak.. So nak masuk sekarang ni umpama dulu dah pernah kahwin then bercerai sekarang nak kahwin lagi so rasa macam takut perkahwinan kali ini akan jadi seperti dulu... haaaa camtu la feel dia habaq hang...
written from the Heart of
11/02/2013 05:44:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Saturday, October 26, 2013
I'm so crazy Love U Mr.Arrogant
ah'ha... Yeah ending of October this year is more awesome than last year bhahaha... ok enough... Truly sejak tukar tempat kerja baru ni..baru lagi? Hang dah nak setahun dah keja minah oiii.. ohh yeke? muehehe monolog seorang diri adalah harus... ok sambung sejak kerja ni Drama TV3 memang aku tak layan langsung sebab pukul 7 aku still berhempas pulas di ofis.. kadang2 dalam perjalanan...
Sejak heboh2 cita Cinta Jannah baru la aq tengok... sebab Ariel Zafriel....yang dah menjadi hak milik kekal Wawa Zainal... oh hancur hatiku menjadi keping2...cewahhh... Jatuh cinta sebab personaliti dalam cita tu je.. bukan dia memang cemgitu pun ye dak...bhahahha
Then dah habis cita Jannah tu... aq tak tengok dah drama pukul 7 tu... FB er ni... update segala pasai Love Mr.Arrogant yang ada Novel tu.. So terus ke baca sekerat jek dah jatuh cinta... Mula la tengok kat Youtube then terus melekat tengok kat TV... ah'ha terima kasih pada Astro Beyond boleh la aq rakam.... kecian kat we all yang mencari rezeki ni...tapi dapat la jugak nengok... Entah jadi suka gila segila2 mungkin... Tiap2 hari tak sabar balik rumah sebab nak tengok cita tu...
Dan paling gila... sanggup beli novel... aq memang dah bersara dari beli n baca novel segala ni... yelah aq kan dah Anti-L.O.V.E la konon kahkahkah... Tapi sebab drama ni yang aq memang nak tahu ending walau aq tahu ending semua novel memang la happily ever after kan... Sanggup perabes RM18... aq dan Nas.. beli novel each one... haaa tengok punya sanggup padahal boleh jek nak share.... dan yang paling best... Kiroro dah ada Novel tu pun... punya tak sabaq tunggu Kiroro balik Penang bagi pinjam novel tu... sanggup pergi beli...hahaha memang gila la sis....
Sebab excited tahap gaban... sanggup aq baca Novel dalam Bus dibawah malap sinar cahaya malam bhahaha ayat sangat tak boleh belah... huh tak kesah imej rock aq tejejas sebab baca novel cinta dalam bus... Allah ja la yang tahu macam mana aq menahan bibiaq dari senyum, gelak dan menangis dalam bas tu... tapi senyum sikit tu adalah... orang tengok?? huh kesah apa? kau ada???
ah'ha... Yeah ending of October this year is more awesome than last year bhahaha... ok enough... Truly sejak tukar tempat kerja baru ni..baru lagi? Hang dah nak setahun dah keja minah oiii.. ohh yeke? muehehe monolog seorang diri adalah harus... ok sambung sejak kerja ni Drama TV3 memang aku tak layan langsung sebab pukul 7 aku still berhempas pulas di ofis.. kadang2 dalam perjalanan...
Sejak heboh2 cita Cinta Jannah baru la aq tengok... sebab Ariel Zafriel....yang dah menjadi hak milik kekal Wawa Zainal... oh hancur hatiku menjadi keping2...cewahhh... Jatuh cinta sebab personaliti dalam cita tu je.. bukan dia memang cemgitu pun ye dak...bhahahha
Then dah habis cita Jannah tu... aq tak tengok dah drama pukul 7 tu... FB er ni... update segala pasai Love Mr.Arrogant yang ada Novel tu.. So terus ke baca sekerat jek dah jatuh cinta... Mula la tengok kat Youtube then terus melekat tengok kat TV... ah'ha terima kasih pada Astro Beyond boleh la aq rakam.... kecian kat we all yang mencari rezeki ni...tapi dapat la jugak nengok... Entah jadi suka gila segila2 mungkin... Tiap2 hari tak sabar balik rumah sebab nak tengok cita tu...
Dan paling gila... sanggup beli novel... aq memang dah bersara dari beli n baca novel segala ni... yelah aq kan dah Anti-L.O.V.E la konon kahkahkah... Tapi sebab drama ni yang aq memang nak tahu ending walau aq tahu ending semua novel memang la happily ever after kan... Sanggup perabes RM18... aq dan Nas.. beli novel each one... haaa tengok punya sanggup padahal boleh jek nak share.... dan yang paling best... Kiroro dah ada Novel tu pun... punya tak sabaq tunggu Kiroro balik Penang bagi pinjam novel tu... sanggup pergi beli...hahaha memang gila la sis....
Sebab excited tahap gaban... sanggup aq baca Novel dalam Bus dibawah malap sinar cahaya malam bhahaha ayat sangat tak boleh belah... huh tak kesah imej rock aq tejejas sebab baca novel cinta dalam bus... Allah ja la yang tahu macam mana aq menahan bibiaq dari senyum, gelak dan menangis dalam bas tu... tapi senyum sikit tu adalah... orang tengok?? huh kesah apa? kau ada???
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Walau kau dah berlakon banyak drama tapi drama ni memang kau segak bro! |
Cerita biasa.. Pelakon pun biasa
tapi tak tau psaipa aq suka
Love u Mr.Arrogant!
written from the Heart of
10/26/2013 04:34:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Saturday, October 19, 2013
Cupcakes Yang Cecomel di
How's your day u guys?!! Me? Mestilah awesome gila habaq hang! Update sblog sambil dengar lagu hindustan dan sambil juga pakai mask hitam untuk tarik blackhead segala... Mood hindustan lately...kenapakah??? Ok let's stop all this nonsense.. let the om shanti om song just playing in my ear...muehehehe
So the day before yesterday, My Sister bring back home happiness to me hahaha ayat bring back tu sangat tak kena... Actually i'm in my bed at that time... try to push myself to sleep when the world already feel so boring to me that time.. Then she's came back from work and said "Alaa mana Eida...tidur dah ka...Nurul beli kek kat dia"... I heard that... First i wont believe because she always said that thing and nothing.. but that day I woke up from bed and directly go to serang the kek... haha "Ambui dengaq makan ja terui bangun" She said...
Yeah this time she's truly bring back cake to me... from HouseOfMini ... Mini cupcakes!!! cecomel giler... segiler2 comel...!! nampak tak excited disitu...bhhahaha
How's your day u guys?!! Me? Mestilah awesome gila habaq hang! Update sblog sambil dengar lagu hindustan dan sambil juga pakai mask hitam untuk tarik blackhead segala... Mood hindustan lately...kenapakah??? Ok let's stop all this nonsense.. let the om shanti om song just playing in my ear...muehehehe
So the day before yesterday, My Sister bring back home happiness to me hahaha ayat bring back tu sangat tak kena... Actually i'm in my bed at that time... try to push myself to sleep when the world already feel so boring to me that time.. Then she's came back from work and said "Alaa mana Eida...tidur dah ka...Nurul beli kek kat dia"... I heard that... First i wont believe because she always said that thing and nothing.. but that day I woke up from bed and directly go to serang the kek... haha "Ambui dengaq makan ja terui bangun" She said...
Yeah this time she's truly bring back cake to me... from HouseOfMini ... Mini cupcakes!!! cecomel giler... segiler2 comel...!! nampak tak excited disitu...bhhahaha
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RM10.00 jek...murah gila kan |
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see... cecomel gila... ha? tak comel..? ada aku kesah?? |
written from the Heart of
10/19/2013 10:42:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Food Review
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Pre-Annual Dinner : The Night of Music And Dance
yeah blank....
what to wear??
Finally they announced our theme for this time annual dinner... yeah good to know early so that we can start to find the best suit... but..but.. the theme is The Night of Music And Dance... and i was like __________..
yeah blank....
what to wear??
If i'm freehair I just know what to wear...
put on your clubbing outfit.. highlight your hair..
ready to go baby!
but i'm wearing hijab...
what to wear???
oh ya thought of wearing black bling2 jacket with bling2 inner with black pants...
and yeah nice heel will make it more adorable i guess
but yeah
money again!!!
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pic source from google |
lebih kurang camni cuma labuh kan apa yang patut..
arghh blank!!!!
written from the Heart of
10/17/2013 06:11:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Monday, October 14, 2013
Day 30 : Celebrity Makeup Look
Day 30 : Celebrity Makeup Look
Honestly i dont know what to post for this entry.. so as this is the last day...
hey i found something to share with u all...
do u know Anastasiya Shpagina??
what?? tak kenal??
apa la...alaaa muka yang cam barbie doll la sangat tu..
antara video yang paling gempak
ah'ha sebab iolsss memang minat gila Johnny Depp...
p/s: hey dah habis dah 30 Days challenge tu... apa nak post lepas ni lagi..
written from the Heart of
10/14/2013 11:40:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Day 29 : My Powder
Day 29 : My Powder
yeah finally day 29... what is it mean?? it mean tomorrow is the last day of malaysian beauty challenge muehehehe
so right now i'm using Pixy Compact Powder..
because i were influenced by vloggers hahha..
Ramai guna Pixy ni kononnya cantik macam la bedak Miyami Cosway dulu...
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pic from google |
i'm using Natural Beige
Coverage so far ok..ok lah,,,
written from the Heart of
10/14/2013 11:35:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

#product review
Setahun selepas tragedi oktober
Actually this just a simple entry... Hmmm already 1year...hahha funny right how can i still remember the date... Dah memang style aq macam ini akan ingat setiap apa yang hebat2 berlaku dalam hidup... Memori suka ingat benda hak orang kata tak payah nak ingat la.. Hey tak sangka kot... Dulu time baru2 tu rasa macam.. " do i live without u..." hey tengok dah setahun dah aih ok jek.. tak dak la perlukan bantuan pernafasan... Biasa lah time mula2 dulu.. ketika cinta masih ada dan membara..aiseh ayat jiwang gituu... seksa la sesorang... Biasalah time mula2 dulu rasa hidup macam tak beerti kononnya...Benda2 cemgini memang akan ambik masa mengikut betapa rentak rock n roll atau balada nya hati anda... Kalau kita asyik balada je maka makin lama la masa tu diambil.. kalau berentak rock n roll perghhh cepat ja proses penyembuhan hati.. macam doktor tak bertauliah berbicara...
Maaf?? Hey dah setahun dah pun.. apa guna istilah "tak ampunkan dunia akhirat..." "sampai mampuih pun hidop mu tak senang mu tengok mu tengok..." tiba2 ja kan... Yeah dah lama aq maaf... sejak dari terjadi lagi.. tapi adakah betul2 maaf... yeah dah setahun pun kan.. aq dah betul2 maafkan :) truly... Actually maaf atau tak maaf... nothing gonna change everything... cuma kalau maafkan... jiwa akan lebih tenang... lagipun dosa besar apa la sangat yang dilakukan..cuma dosa "cinta yang dah tak ada lagi"... itu bukan dosa.. itu cuma perasaan...perasaan bukan satu dosa... tapi betulkah cinta itu dulu ada atau hanya game semata2.. itu Allah saja yang tahu... tak beerti kalau nak tahu sekarang... Aq memang rela kalau perpisahan yang cam ini dari perpisahan yang selamanya.. Lebih baik dia tinggalkan kita pergi dengan perempuan lain dari dia tinggalkan kita kat dunia ni..Sebab kalau dia tinggalkan kita kerana cinta yang lain.. one day lambat atau cepat rasa kita tu akan hilang kat dia but if dia tinggalkan kita kat dunia...maybe susah kita nak lupa sebab dia pergi dalam keadaan cinta tu masih aq memang bersyukur perpisahan yang macam ini...
Lupa? itu akan terjadi naturally... tak perlu paksa otak untuk lupa.. akan sampai satu masa memori akan hilang macam tu saja.. tak perlu seksa diri untuk lupa.. bila kita tahu benda yang tak boleh lupa.. memori otak yang Allah cipta bukan seperti memori yang manusia cipta..boleh delete boleh restore.. jadi biarkan jika dia terus mahu berputar... berputar bukan kerana cinta yang masih ada tapi kerana ia proses otak manusia biasa...
Dendam?? Tak usahlah nak beratkan hati dengan dendam kesumat itu...let it be... let it go... Yeah memang admit bila terjadi hal2 cemgini kita akan rasa nak buat competition... sapa temui penganti dulu...pakwe baru aq handsome lagi... pakwe baru aq sayang aq lebih lagi... pakwe baru aq kaya lagi... pakwe baru aq naik keta hebat lagi...hahhaa hentikan semua benda gila ini.. sebab kita akan end up jumpa yang serupa atau lebih teruk dari dia.. sebab yang kita cari itu bukanlah cinta tapi boneka yang kita nak gunakan saja.. akhirnya kita akan terluka lagi.. Buat apa nak cari pakwe baru yang lebih handsome... buat apa nak cari pakwe baru yang lebih kaya... konon boleh rasa megah kalau berjalan melintasi dia.. hey..hey.. sepatutnya kita mencari cinta baru bukannya hidup untuk compete dengan dia... Biarlah pakwe baru kita tu tak handsome langsung.. biarlah pakwe baru kita tu tak kaya mana pun.. biarlah pakwe kita pakai keta biasa2 je.. Jangan malu kalau berdepan dengan yang dulu itu.. berjalanlah dengan bangga dengan cinta baru itu... Tak perlu rasa tergugat jika dia ketemui yang lebih hot dan spicy dan tak perlu ketawa jika dia ketemui yang kurang dari mu.. kerana tulang rusuk dan pemiliknya tidak akan pernah tertukar..
Karma?? berharap dia ditimpa macam2... berharap dia merasa apa yang kita rasa atau lebih teruk dari itu.. hey itu biar Allah yang tentukan... Tak perlu rasa seronok melihat yang buruk terjadi walau kita rasa macam nak bagi big applause dan kata "Padan muka hang!!".. Yeah aq tahu kamu tak dapat cinta baru itu.. aq lihat cinta baru kamu itu bahagia bersama yang lain.. yeah terfikir juga apa kamu rasa dihati itu.. move on dude.. Sejahat atau seburuk mana pun dulu dia pernah juga buat kita senyum dan ketawa walau mungkin itu semua penipuan semata2.. Kalau boleh doa yang baik.. ikhlas kita hanya Allah yang tahu... Yeah masih lagikah kita ingat kata2 celaka kata2 keji yang kita lontar sewaktu kejadian itu... hahaha kelakar rasa... yelah jika sebelum itu betapa lembut manisnya kata2 kita.. Kadang2 rasa berdosa hey hati kau terlalu lembut sebab itu sakit tu terasa amat sangat... Aq tak minta dikurnia hati yang selembut begini tapi aq bersyukur dengan hati sebegini... :)
Leganya hati semua dendam kesumat telah berjaya diusir keluar... haaa kan lebih tenang begini.. lebih damai... lebih tenang jiwa dan otak... Tak perlu lari jika terserempak... jika tak mahu bertegur pun biarlah act as usual... seperti terjumpa schoolmate yang kita tak punya ikatan persahabatan yang kuat... jadi kalau jumpa tak bertegur ramah pun tak apa...tak ada hal... yeah mungkin dulu waktu mula2 diri tak kuat untuk terserempak..tapi kini dah tak apa... yelah dulu kita jumpa dengan perasaan lain sekarang dengan perasaan lain... Tak apa dia cuma kenalan kita... kenalan dan sahabat/kawan itu 2 istilah berbeza... Kenalan tidak mungkin menjadi kawan/sahabat....
Eh besnya hidup terasa kini.. hidup tak perlu takut.. kerana kita lebih tahu macam mana diri jika mencintai orang.. kerana kita tahu ruginya mereka.. bukan kata hebat cuma kita lebih tahu diri kita... Mereka hilang orang yang mencintai mereka... Kita cuma hilang orang yang tak cinta kita...hey kata simple entry.. dah macam paper 2 BM dah karangan ni..
Actually this just a simple entry... Hmmm already 1year...hahha funny right how can i still remember the date... Dah memang style aq macam ini akan ingat setiap apa yang hebat2 berlaku dalam hidup... Memori suka ingat benda hak orang kata tak payah nak ingat la.. Hey tak sangka kot... Dulu time baru2 tu rasa macam.. " do i live without u..." hey tengok dah setahun dah aih ok jek.. tak dak la perlukan bantuan pernafasan... Biasa lah time mula2 dulu.. ketika cinta masih ada dan membara..aiseh ayat jiwang gituu... seksa la sesorang... Biasalah time mula2 dulu rasa hidup macam tak beerti kononnya...Benda2 cemgini memang akan ambik masa mengikut betapa rentak rock n roll atau balada nya hati anda... Kalau kita asyik balada je maka makin lama la masa tu diambil.. kalau berentak rock n roll perghhh cepat ja proses penyembuhan hati.. macam doktor tak bertauliah berbicara...
Maaf?? Hey dah setahun dah pun.. apa guna istilah "tak ampunkan dunia akhirat..." "sampai mampuih pun hidop mu tak senang mu tengok mu tengok..." tiba2 ja kan... Yeah dah lama aq maaf... sejak dari terjadi lagi.. tapi adakah betul2 maaf... yeah dah setahun pun kan.. aq dah betul2 maafkan :) truly... Actually maaf atau tak maaf... nothing gonna change everything... cuma kalau maafkan... jiwa akan lebih tenang... lagipun dosa besar apa la sangat yang dilakukan..cuma dosa "cinta yang dah tak ada lagi"... itu bukan dosa.. itu cuma perasaan...perasaan bukan satu dosa... tapi betulkah cinta itu dulu ada atau hanya game semata2.. itu Allah saja yang tahu... tak beerti kalau nak tahu sekarang... Aq memang rela kalau perpisahan yang cam ini dari perpisahan yang selamanya.. Lebih baik dia tinggalkan kita pergi dengan perempuan lain dari dia tinggalkan kita kat dunia ni..Sebab kalau dia tinggalkan kita kerana cinta yang lain.. one day lambat atau cepat rasa kita tu akan hilang kat dia but if dia tinggalkan kita kat dunia...maybe susah kita nak lupa sebab dia pergi dalam keadaan cinta tu masih aq memang bersyukur perpisahan yang macam ini...
Lupa? itu akan terjadi naturally... tak perlu paksa otak untuk lupa.. akan sampai satu masa memori akan hilang macam tu saja.. tak perlu seksa diri untuk lupa.. bila kita tahu benda yang tak boleh lupa.. memori otak yang Allah cipta bukan seperti memori yang manusia cipta..boleh delete boleh restore.. jadi biarkan jika dia terus mahu berputar... berputar bukan kerana cinta yang masih ada tapi kerana ia proses otak manusia biasa...
Dendam?? Tak usahlah nak beratkan hati dengan dendam kesumat itu...let it be... let it go... Yeah memang admit bila terjadi hal2 cemgini kita akan rasa nak buat competition... sapa temui penganti dulu...pakwe baru aq handsome lagi... pakwe baru aq sayang aq lebih lagi... pakwe baru aq kaya lagi... pakwe baru aq naik keta hebat lagi...hahhaa hentikan semua benda gila ini.. sebab kita akan end up jumpa yang serupa atau lebih teruk dari dia.. sebab yang kita cari itu bukanlah cinta tapi boneka yang kita nak gunakan saja.. akhirnya kita akan terluka lagi.. Buat apa nak cari pakwe baru yang lebih handsome... buat apa nak cari pakwe baru yang lebih kaya... konon boleh rasa megah kalau berjalan melintasi dia.. hey..hey.. sepatutnya kita mencari cinta baru bukannya hidup untuk compete dengan dia... Biarlah pakwe baru kita tu tak handsome langsung.. biarlah pakwe baru kita tu tak kaya mana pun.. biarlah pakwe kita pakai keta biasa2 je.. Jangan malu kalau berdepan dengan yang dulu itu.. berjalanlah dengan bangga dengan cinta baru itu... Tak perlu rasa tergugat jika dia ketemui yang lebih hot dan spicy dan tak perlu ketawa jika dia ketemui yang kurang dari mu.. kerana tulang rusuk dan pemiliknya tidak akan pernah tertukar..
Karma?? berharap dia ditimpa macam2... berharap dia merasa apa yang kita rasa atau lebih teruk dari itu.. hey itu biar Allah yang tentukan... Tak perlu rasa seronok melihat yang buruk terjadi walau kita rasa macam nak bagi big applause dan kata "Padan muka hang!!".. Yeah aq tahu kamu tak dapat cinta baru itu.. aq lihat cinta baru kamu itu bahagia bersama yang lain.. yeah terfikir juga apa kamu rasa dihati itu.. move on dude.. Sejahat atau seburuk mana pun dulu dia pernah juga buat kita senyum dan ketawa walau mungkin itu semua penipuan semata2.. Kalau boleh doa yang baik.. ikhlas kita hanya Allah yang tahu... Yeah masih lagikah kita ingat kata2 celaka kata2 keji yang kita lontar sewaktu kejadian itu... hahaha kelakar rasa... yelah jika sebelum itu betapa lembut manisnya kata2 kita.. Kadang2 rasa berdosa hey hati kau terlalu lembut sebab itu sakit tu terasa amat sangat... Aq tak minta dikurnia hati yang selembut begini tapi aq bersyukur dengan hati sebegini... :)
Leganya hati semua dendam kesumat telah berjaya diusir keluar... haaa kan lebih tenang begini.. lebih damai... lebih tenang jiwa dan otak... Tak perlu lari jika terserempak... jika tak mahu bertegur pun biarlah act as usual... seperti terjumpa schoolmate yang kita tak punya ikatan persahabatan yang kuat... jadi kalau jumpa tak bertegur ramah pun tak apa...tak ada hal... yeah mungkin dulu waktu mula2 diri tak kuat untuk terserempak..tapi kini dah tak apa... yelah dulu kita jumpa dengan perasaan lain sekarang dengan perasaan lain... Tak apa dia cuma kenalan kita... kenalan dan sahabat/kawan itu 2 istilah berbeza... Kenalan tidak mungkin menjadi kawan/sahabat....
Eh besnya hidup terasa kini.. hidup tak perlu takut.. kerana kita lebih tahu macam mana diri jika mencintai orang.. kerana kita tahu ruginya mereka.. bukan kata hebat cuma kita lebih tahu diri kita... Mereka hilang orang yang mencintai mereka... Kita cuma hilang orang yang tak cinta kita...hey kata simple entry.. dah macam paper 2 BM dah karangan ni..

ok lagu untuk kita..
dendam sudah tiada
nafas sudah tenang
written from the Heart of
10/14/2013 08:56:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Day 28 : My Makeup Guru
Day 28 : My Makeup Guru
Even tak la gila makeup sangat but i do have that hobby of watching makeup tutorial in youtube... so my favourite channel would be...
written from the Heart of
10/13/2013 10:48:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Day 27 : My makeup remover SilkyGirl
Day 27 : My makeup remover
Dulu kan tak pernah pakai makeup remover pun... sebab dok ingat makeup remover just for heavy makeup jek... rupanya mengikut kata beautician sorang ni even tak pakai makeup kena pakai make up remover kat mata sebab debu2 kotoran tu yang akan cause dark circle.. apatah lagi aq yang every day pergi keja kena pakai eyeshadow.. memang wajib keatas ku untuk remove all that!
my fav mest lah dari SilkyGirl!
itu yang mampu beli
nama pun untuk eye... so untuk eyes la kan... memang senang keluar..
written from the Heart of
10/13/2013 10:40:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

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