Hey September dah kot... oh no.. still no achievement i achieve yet T_T.. ok stop depression.. Muka dah naik jerawat banyak sangat tiba2 sebab stress huhu... So jum kita menari Gangnam Style.. opp..oppp..oppa gangnam style.. yeah ramai2 lebih awesome.. ekekeke layan jek dengaq lagu ni sambil update blog.. TAPI macam2 version dengaq pasal lagu ni.. tarian macam seks la.. lagu pasal seks la.. and menghina Islam... ish2..entah betul ke tak.. tapi muzik dia rancak.. boleh la buat aerobic...
So that Raya ke7 Kiroro, Nana, Nana's "son" hikhik.. and me went to Nas house as she'd invited we all to go to her house.. So as usual Kiroro came to pick me at 2.00 pm. as we still have time so we decided to go to QB.. Guess what.. that day QB were so packed with School student.. many style..many habits.. buat semak ja haha.. mentang2 cuti sekolah..reminiscing me about my past.. :)
We went to Tutti Frutti.. hmmm there's no green apple flavor again... so I just took Tart with smarties and 3 pieces of grape.. topping with Chocolate Hersey.. Just RM12.80 if i'm not mistaken..
so we "lepak-ing" there..
chatting2.. gossiping..well when girl meet girl.. u know well..haha.. and story2 about my problem at work.. huhu.. My friends must be fed up with my workplace's story hahaha..
Kiroro, Darwish n Me.. |
Kiroro and Me..and that's my outfit for that day.. |
Brown Pants with mustard blouse..
love mustard..
and that pant look like "Osram color isnt it??" T_T
Me and Nana.. |
So after that, we went to Nas's house.. Yey Bihun Beriani.. Once a year dapat makan huhu.. I love it so much...
yeah Nas in the house.. |
My Nana |
In Nas's Room... lepak-ing. |
hehe.. | |
Last but not least..
a life without friends is a life without Sun
Cant wait for our next gathering..huhu
poyo style again..
p/s: i wanna meet my old school friends... miss u all..