I guess it's not too late yet for me to wish " SELAMAT HARI RAYA..MAAF ZAHIR BATIN"
Tahun ni raya tak bes sangat.. sebab?? Gambar raya tak dak uhukhukhuk.. T_T.. sehari sebelum last puasa.. ingatkan tekanan kerja yang buat aq selesema.. But then tekak pulak rasa bengak2.. Ok sah petanda... petanda nak demam... perghhhh lusa Raya kot.. Then malam tu makan ubat selesema jek.. pagi2 nak bangun sahur body temperature high..panas.. rasa cam tak nak posa jek.. tapi mak pulak gerak megusap2 kepalaku sambil memujuk..katanya last day posa.. so bangun la sahur... makan panadol dan mak demah2 kan.. bangun2 tido lepas tu terus tak panas dah.. cuma dizzy2 sikit.. tapi masih kuat untuk teman mak pergi shopping.. tapi flu memang tak hilang2.. berlalutan sampai raya ke7-8.. dahsyat.. kurang vitamin C..
First day posa memang tak pakai baju raya la.. So tak jadi la beli baju convo yang lain.. dah tak rasmi lagi takkan nak beli lain.. dah la mahal beli baju tu RM170 lepas discount... Bagi u all yang kaya2 memang la tak mahal.. tapi aq beli dengan hard earned money tau...huhu T_T..
p/s: next update hangout with friend..yuhuu
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Raya 2012
written from the Heart of
8/30/2012 07:39:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Pre-Raya Preparation..color 2012
Olla all... how u guys?? hahaha talking like i have many readers...pwehhh so sad.. But it's ok.. I write for fun and i know somehow my friends gonna read this..aint sweetie? So as raya is just around the corner.. I would like to review upon raya preparation.. I dont why this year i feel not excited at all.. not excited with my birthday.. not interested with Raya... As previous raya i'll be the one who so damn excited to choose what kuih raya to make but this raya.. I dont choose at all.. not even one... owhhh what really happened to me?? I just helped my mother to do biskut raya... argggg i'm lost this year.. why??
Actually i planned too early but when i cannot achieve it i feel something.. I planned to buy baju raya to my mom and dad but somehow due to so many things that i have to use my own money.. I can't buy what i wanna buy to my parent.. Hey i got RM500 from company as duit raya.. Alhamdulillah.. so i decided to give RM250 to my parent.. It's not the actual amount that i wanna give but i do honestly gave to them.. And i do hope next year if i'm still alive i'll give more... ok stop being emotional... eventhough i feel not excited as before but i still happily shopping and make preparation early..hahha cant resist this shopaholic disease.. and the only thing i excited is to give duit raya to my nearest nieces and nephews... Dont know why but fee so excited... at first i dont think i can make it to give to them... but when i got my duit raya so i decided to give to them.. Rezeki perlu dikongsi.. Eventhough not muc but i come from my sacred heart aisehhh hahaha..
cant wait to give to them
Olla all... how u guys?? hahaha talking like i have many readers...pwehhh so sad.. But it's ok.. I write for fun and i know somehow my friends gonna read this..aint sweetie? So as raya is just around the corner.. I would like to review upon raya preparation.. I dont why this year i feel not excited at all.. not excited with my birthday.. not interested with Raya... As previous raya i'll be the one who so damn excited to choose what kuih raya to make but this raya.. I dont choose at all.. not even one... owhhh what really happened to me?? I just helped my mother to do biskut raya... argggg i'm lost this year.. why??
Actually i planned too early but when i cannot achieve it i feel something.. I planned to buy baju raya to my mom and dad but somehow due to so many things that i have to use my own money.. I can't buy what i wanna buy to my parent.. Hey i got RM500 from company as duit raya.. Alhamdulillah.. so i decided to give RM250 to my parent.. It's not the actual amount that i wanna give but i do honestly gave to them.. And i do hope next year if i'm still alive i'll give more... ok stop being emotional... eventhough i feel not excited as before but i still happily shopping and make preparation early..hahha cant resist this shopaholic disease.. and the only thing i excited is to give duit raya to my nearest nieces and nephews... Dont know why but fee so excited... at first i dont think i can make it to give to them... but when i got my duit raya so i decided to give to them.. Rezeki perlu dikongsi.. Eventhough not muc but i come from my sacred heart aisehhh hahaha..
so excited to get new note from bank..
so over ok.. eventhough i know they gonna throw this sampul away
but i wanna choose the nice one
okey already choose
different sampul different amount
opppss secret..
cant wait to give to them
and hey this my 2012 raya color
i do changed a lot actually
if before this i only stick to one color
but now
so full of color..
so my wardrobe wont look gloomy anymore..
written from the Heart of
8/15/2012 07:03:00 AM
1 awesome people spend time with me..tq

#FoodReview: Iftar @ Seoul Garden, Gurney
Just snap pic of food before iftar.. Tu la makan tak ingat dunia muehehehe... So far the foods is just good to me... quite interesting place to visit.. but really cant forget minyak percik kena muka.. pwehhh nasib tak kena mata let's rating time
Just snap pic of food before iftar.. Tu la makan tak ingat dunia muehehehe... So far the foods is just good to me... quite interesting place to visit.. but really cant forget minyak percik kena muka.. pwehhh nasib tak kena mata let's rating time
Food and Price = ****
Enviroment = ****
Revisit = yeah maybe
p/s: the best part is all the plate n bowl is in mustard color..owwhh love it..
written from the Heart of
8/15/2012 06:00:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Food Review
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Gift for My Birthday
Almost nak sebulan dah birthday aq berlalu baru nak upload pic gift hehe.. Gift from Nad dah collect awai2 dah..
Almost nak sebulan dah birthday aq berlalu baru nak upload pic gift hehe.. Gift from Nad dah collect awai2 dah..
mempersembahkan gift from Nad..
She so superb creative..
since secondary school wokey
siap ada kad lagi
she so romantic..haha
setelah dibukak semua wrapping..
Thanks Nad..
I really love this gift..
After all.. Thank you so much for gifts..
Really appreciate it..
written from the Heart of
8/11/2012 11:04:00 PM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Thursday, August 9, 2012
Another disappointment..
Hello guys..Just wanna share with whole world that I'm not selected to be one of government worker.. T_T..
Hello guys..Just wanna share with whole world that I'm not selected to be one of government worker.. T_T..
please place your attention to the word "Dukacita"
tak cukup lagi ka duka yang melanda diri
Tak apa tak ada rezeki
ayat pasrah.. yeah aq tak redha tapi aq pasrah..
So my journey with that "workplace" still have
a superb strong bound..
What can i say.. Just accept
Allah wont give what we want
He will give what we need
what we need is more important
what we want
p/s: keep on mocking.mocking...and i dont care..
written from the Heart of
8/09/2012 06:19:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

fakta bukan auta
#ContactLensStory: "bueberry natural hazel"
I bought contact lens again...This time from online.. I know before this I've determined not to buy online contact lens.. but hard to resist la
. The only reason why I love contact lens from online@korea is because they have too many option..too many style and pattern..and awesome...
So as my contact lens is going to get expired by this month so i bought from the one and only my contact lens shop Faeza GorgeousLens Corner .. Actually i got so confused which pattern of contact lens to choose because just to many of them... If only i have extra money hehe
I bought contact lens again...This time from online.. I know before this I've determined not to buy online contact lens.. but hard to resist la
So as my contact lens is going to get expired by this month so i bought from the one and only my contact lens shop Faeza GorgeousLens Corner .. Actually i got so confused which pattern of contact lens to choose because just to many of them... If only i have extra money hehe
so i decided to buy
bueberry with Natural Hazel as my option
the natural color caught my eyes attention
because it enough when people said that
my eyes look like "Burung hantu"
looks more natural and not that too obvious..
so this is my eyes for Raya muehehehe
hmmm interested with this one.
Jewel with Brown color
for my convo perhaps..
written from the Heart of
8/09/2012 06:09:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Saturday, August 4, 2012
Month of August
Hi All.. It's already August 2012 beb... Month of Merdeka..Month of Raya.. As the time passing by, feel like 1 year period is too short.. Already August... Next week SPA result will be announce.. Cannot put 100% hope for that because cant bear the discontentment that will be feel... But I do hope.. The only way for me to go from that place.. I cant no longer stand.. The pressure is just too high... If I dont get.. Looks like I have to stay more longer there.. I always believe Allah will not give what we want BUT He'll give what we need.. And I hope For Allah Mercy.. And I know Allah will give the best for me but not at that place.. I feel insecure... I feel like persecuted... I feel humiliated..
Hi All.. It's already August 2012 beb... Month of Merdeka..Month of Raya.. As the time passing by, feel like 1 year period is too short.. Already August... Next week SPA result will be announce.. Cannot put 100% hope for that because cant bear the discontentment that will be feel... But I do hope.. The only way for me to go from that place.. I cant no longer stand.. The pressure is just too high... If I dont get.. Looks like I have to stay more longer there.. I always believe Allah will not give what we want BUT He'll give what we need.. And I hope For Allah Mercy.. And I know Allah will give the best for me but not at that place.. I feel insecure... I feel like persecuted... I feel humiliated..
Deep in my heart I feel so sympathy for people like you.. Never said that I am good enough but I do feel like you need to be help.. I pray that someday and sooner u can see the light through your eyes that being blinded by darkness of your heart...
written from the Heart of
8/04/2012 05:59:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

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