Yummy Cupcake -->

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Stress out

Tarikh: 22/03/2012
Tempat: my own world
Mood: oh yeah


It's been a long time since i have a very good plenty time.. Now my only pleasant day is Sunday.. yet to think that tomorrow have to go to work again finally feel everyday is so annoying haha.. Wake up in the morning.. go back at 6.00 o'clock sometimes 7..8..and the late one is at 9.00pm and my OT was burn that way.. useless OT.. came back from work with this tiredness from stress..tired waiting for bus and standing in the bus.. make me feel so exhausted.. But i know many out there is more pity than me.. i feel thankful..

My work were so stressful.. maybe lack of guidance or maybe also because of me who is not god enough.. I know i'm not in the accounting background and how could i simply said " i'm not from accounting background so i dont want to do it" then why from the first place i apply for this job.. My workplace was so terible for me and i was thinking to just quit. but i have commitment.. i have to pay back my RM2000 laptop loan to my parent.. the money that i've paid back was use for household too that's why i dont mind to pay back.. and Syukran i have RM250 more pending to pay.. which will be settle next month.. Thankful because of this commitment i were strong to go through this hardness time and behind all the negative thought i can see that Allah actually give something better for me.. 3 more month i'll can write up in my resume that i have 1 year experience.. if not because this commitment i will just quit and loss the knowledge i've gained.. Now i can add UBS Accounting 9.6 in my resume.. It's a skill.. every mistakes that i and my colleague done had taught us to be more clearer about what's going on..

Thanksfully i have colleague like Shaz.. we always motivate each other eventhough sometimes we feel so jaded with all this.. My jobscope there are multi.. I handle administrative and HR.. handle all account, payment.. upkeep of office.. now i've learned to do marketing.. I've went to one factory and managed to do RM22,300 sales for my company with the help of my colleague( later when i get my commission i'll treat her..) as i'm still new in marketing.. This is the biggest sale made within the staff.. ignore the sales that made by my boss which is million and hundred thousand.. to make this on is not easy as selling "pisang goreng".. I've to face many people... face that big people.. being scold being mad.. kena jadi muka tembok all that i have to face eventhough it's not my fault.. To talk belit2 in order to show a good service.. u all know that i'm not good with this..Behind this worst workplace actually i've gained so much knowledge which i think that i cant get from other company.. So i start to love what Allah give to me.. because Allah always give the best to me..

My salary doesnt reflect the job that i've done.. i'm getting this low salary because i've no experience.. hope so that after 1 year my boss will increase my salary that i deserved to get.. so that i'l stay more longer and in the same time try to search for a better job out there.. If i can get RM1500 at least i will be thankful but it's impossible.. but if i get it maybe i can buy car for my facility..hope so.. People out there doesnt know what my stress are.. I have so many work to be done urgently until i doesnt know which one to start with.. I have to remember many things until my brain cant remember any single things.. My time was packed but sometimes to release tension i'll online through phone hehe dont be as i am.. If people asked me what i do.. i always said i do everything.. yes i do almost everything..

Behind all this.. the positive side is.. i'll be strong person.. i think further.. and i learned a lot about this world..
so pity of me

SPM Story

Tarikh: 22/03/2012
Tempat: my own world
Mood: sharing is caring meh


Demam SPM kan sekarang ni.. teringat dahulu time aq.. pagi pergi kerja lakukan kerja2 pembersihan then ke sekolah.. nearby only lor.. Excited plus berdegup kencang jantung terasa.. Tengok2 dapat Alhamdulillah la.. 4A 5C 1D ekekkeke suka sangat makan vitamin C so result pun manyak C lor..huhu http://www.emocutez.com hak yang D tu besa la Add math.. percaya la inilah keputusan yang terbaik dalam add math pernah ku gapai hehe.. Pasal Add Math la aq telah merosakkan reputasi rekod aq sebagai pelajar yang tak pernah fail .. masuk2 Form 4.. report kad dah ada tanda cinta merah di report book..tak cantik tau tak.. http://www.emocutez.com Paling tak percaya Sejarah dapat A hahhaa.. sayang la sapa yang mark paper aq.. yang C tu besa la subject sains segala biologi, kimia, fizik segala macam tu..

 So untuk adik2 diluar sana.. arah tuju lepas SPM menentukan siapa anda.. Jangan salah pilih macam aq..  Dari science stream ke IT sekarang kerja Pengurusan.. Maybe takdir macam ni and maybe salah planning jugak.. apa2 pun terima seadanya... Lebih better pilih STPM instead of DIPLOMA.. so that after STPM direct ke DEGREE.. Tapi dapat MATRIK pun ok.. Just grab it.. DIPLOMA pun ok.. For those yang planning after DIPLOMA then DEGREE then pastu keja.. The flow is not that easy dude.. Eventhough result u all gempak.. pembawaan diri dan pengetahuan is more important.. Kerja susah nak dapat.. perlu pengalaman.. lain la kalau u all inherit perniagaan dari family.. kerja dengan family.. or ada cable yang memasukkan anda ke organisasi tersebut..itu lain.. itu u all boleh terus ikut flow tadi..

But for me if i can turn back.. i'll do my SPM well then choose STPM then take degree in medical laboratory..but dah 5 tahun berlalu.. now dah ada diploma it programing.. kerja as junior management executive.. gaji baru RM1k ++..

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 29 "Something You Miss"

"Something you miss"

Something i miss ye.. Ehmmm actually i miss a lot of things..
Right now i miss my student life..
u know.. awake from sleep with sleepy mood
then when your friend around you the sleepy seems to be decreased hehe
i miss the moment with my friends..
And what actually i miss is being with my friend..
chatting with my friend..
and i miss you my friend..

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 27 "A silly picture of you and your friends"

 "A silly picture of you and your friends"

Aloo.. tak banyak la silly pic with my friends... Then what to post? ok i'll post our picture together2 wokey.. Hmmm i miss my friend a lot la mmuahh mmuahhh aiseh...
Ok no worry next month we'll meet up.. Naz please join this time.. i miss u so much ok..
Randomly i upload pic not following the sequence of the year..

wow i just love this pic-2008

Kami main golf free of charge beb..2008
port biasa..2011

besday Nas sweet 21..2011

favorite port.. 2010 i guess


innocent naz get bullied..2010

chaiya la... 2011



Taman Rimba...2010

Nana besday...2011
2007- pic sementara tunggu next paper SPM
 Famieza, Nadiah and Ain

Haha pic 2009 tak ada. sebab dalam collection semua yang free hair tak nak upload..Kang mati terseksa lak dosa bertambah... My friends i miss u a lot la... Pic dengan Ina and yang lain semua dah lost sebab laptop rosak..huhu I miss my friend la..

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tutup Aurat Sangat Susah?

Tarikh: 11/03.2012
Tempat: My own world
Mood: hmmm

Salam... Firstly i wanna higlight that i'm  not ustazah... not budak sekolah agama... I'm just a simple person who common in making mistakes.. But today i would like to talk about aurat.. Sekarang ni dah ramai pakai tudung.. Then timbul isu tudung tu tak boleh pakai.. tudung ni tak boleh pakai.. tak boleh pakai cam tu tak boleh pakai camni.. sampai rasa macam susah sangat2.. Tapi kita harus ingat semua ini datangnya dari Allah.. Actually tutup aurat tu tak susah pun.. Sebab dunia sekarang yang taksub dengan fesyen2 so kita rasa apa yang digariskan dalam Islam tu sangat susah.. kita kadang2 rasa rimas..tapi sebenar rimas tu datang dari diri kita yang termakan hasutan syaitan

Aq tak tahu macam mana dengan u all but buat aq yang baru nak masuk tahun kedua bertudung..  aq pernah ada pengalaman berdiri depan cermin then rasa.. "haish pelik aih tutup sampai lengan ni nampak tak sylo.. so diselaknya sampai kesiku lengan..haaa baru stylo.." Begitu la aq yang termakan bisikan syaitan... Ada lagi bila pakai baju besar.. "hmmm... nampak gemuk la..ahh tukaq baju la" dah pakai baju yang agak sendat..tewas lagi.. bila melabuhkan tudung ke dada... " ish, macam makcik2 la...tak stylo.. kasi pendek sikit.." tewas lagi... Tiba masa menconteng muka... sudah pandai make up2 semua.. bila azan berkumandang.. "ala.. nanti kena makeup lain lak.. bukan eyeliner camni senang jadi" tengok tewas lagi... Pakai stoking then " hish, pelik aih pakai stoking dengan kasut camni.. so tak matching.." tewas lagi... baju jarang " ahh tak pa la sikit ja..pakai singlet ja la.."  tewas lagi dan lagi..

Begitu la part2 yang kita selalu lupa.. kerana ingin kan stylo maka lupakan semua niat pada awal pemakaian tudung dilupakan... Aq bukan si pemakai tudung yang sempurna.. Aq juga alpa.. aq juga selalu tewas.. Dan aq harap sedikit semi sedikit aq boleh dan pasti akan memakai sesempurnanya.. Dulu stoking selalu tidak ada dalam list.. kononnya kaki orang tak nampak..kononnya bagi aq laki tak akan ada nafsu bila tengok kaki.. Tapi lupa kaki itu juga termasuk dalam aurat yang wajib ditutup.. Allah suruh buat tak nak buat.. Bila kaki dah asyik kena gigit nyamuk baru nak pakai..dan dah selesa pakai stoking sekarang.. :)

Kalau kita tak boleh nak buat semua.. buat sikit2..ikut sikit2.. Dugaan itu memang banyak.. biar tak stylo asal kita mematuhi apa yang sepatutnya.. Biarkan orang berkata2.. Sudah menjadi lumrah manusia mencari  kesalahan manusia.. Tengok macam orang2 yang bergelar Ustaz dan Ustazah.. mereka itu manusia tak lari dari kesalahan tapi kita carik juga kesalahan mereka.. Orang yang baru nak melakukan kebaikan jugak  manusia suka nak carik kesalahan, menghina, memerli.. apa salahnya memberi kata2 semangat.. Contoh seorang perempuan yan baru nak memakai tudung.. boleh jadi pada awalnya dia tak akan memakai dengan sempurna.. Lagi elok kita menasihati dan menunjuk cara dengan bijaksana kepadanya dari terus mencaci " hoi.. tak payah la pakai tudung kalau dah ketat sana sini.. hoi tudung ja labuh.. seluar ketat gak".. Satu persoalan " Jika one day kita jalan2 then baju kita koyak sikit yang menampakkan sikit lengan atau kaki.. apa tindakan kita?" mesti kita akan cover atau mencari pakaian lain.. habis kenapa tak koyak kan lagi pakaian itu dah alang2 nampak sikit? Konsep yang sama boleh di apply pada mereka2 yang tak memakai dengan sempurna.. Ajar mereka dengan cara yang bijaksana.. bukan menghina, mencaci, memerli atau sebagainya..

Jika niat kita memakai tudung itu kerana Allah maka patuhi la seperti mana yang tertulis.. Jika cuma sekadar berfesyen mengikuti fesyen semasa.. ikuti garis panduan..mana tahu satu hari nanti kamu akan memakai tudung dengan niat kerana Allah S.W.T.. Dosa sehelai rambut  itu tetap dikira meskipun kamu berkata " Tidak sampai seru". "Tak dapat hidayah lagi "..amin..

First time trying Double line eyeliner..Korean style la sangat

Tarikh: 11/03/2012
Tempat: My own world
Mood: oyeah..


Well hello u guys!! Have a nice day and pretend it to be it is a nice day even this day is your disaster day wokey.. Today i would like to share my experience trying double eyeliner make up.. i know la no one will bother about it hahaha.. I'm using silkygirl liquid eyeliner..I may not show the tutorial because i just try it following other's tutorial.. Alah just search double eyeliner make up in youtube and u'll find it ok dear.. emm before that sorry if u find that my annoying face..

kena luaskan mata in order that u all boleh nampak kat tepi2 tu..

Alright guna webcam..kasi zoom sikit.. nampak x?

lepas ni sesaja posing macam orang sekarang banyak posing.. katanya korean style.. ye ke?
yeah finally... Boleh jugak u all nak buat 3 line.. asal tak over line dah kang pelik lak..

p/s: emm webcam toshiba ni not nice lor.. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 26 "What made you attracted to your partner?"


Day 25 "A picture that makes you happy"

"A picture that makes you happy"

What makes me happy is too see the smile from my family face..especially my parent... i feel glory to see the smile at their face.. I like to see the smile from my love face.. Their smile is the picture that makes me so damn happy..

i love to see my mom's smile.. so cute.. well mother will always be the most beautiful mom right..?

My Father rarely smile.. see on his birthday also only that smile given haha

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 24 "Someone you would switch lives with for a day and why"

Someone you would switch lives with for a day and why

Well this is a complicated question.. Everyone live in this world have their pros and cons.. U may see a wealthy person but you may not no how busy will he or she be.. how many things she or he have to sacrifice.. U may see another person that have so many times to relax..to enjoy but u never know how suffer she or he'll be.. The simple sentences to summarize all this is 
"u'll never know how other live until you go into the same shoes"
So eventhough my life seem to have more cons than pros or pros than cons.. I just be so happy with my life.. And i dont want to switch lives with another because i'm happy being created by Allah this way..

Eventhough i'm not rich but i'm happy my life is more better than other and i'm not proud because someone else have more better life than me..

Eventhough i'm not pretty..i'm happy with this face Allah created.. Because someone may have worse skin problem than me and not proud with it because someone is more beautiful than me.. And with this i'll find someone that truly love me not because the way i look..

Eventhough my job were so suck but at least every month i got money even it's late..even it's just a little..because out there.. so many was hunting for job..

Eventhough i can go where i wanna go.. can get what i dream of.. i'm always happy with that because i know Allah always give the best things to me..

So guys.. please appreciate your life.. because when u look at the things u dont have u wont feel satisfied enough but when u appreciate what u have.. u'll be the richest person ever.. Thank Allah for this live

*seems like not answering the question but i just love my self.. sorry dude..

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 23 "Your top 10 pet peeves"

Your top 10 pet peeves

My 10 pet peeves..Alright let me list it..

1. Littering
I were so loathe with they people who like to litter in the public.. I found it so disgust.. Some people may said "hey it's normal dude" but it's one of my pet peeves dude.. sorry to say.

2. Smoking beside me
If i can just slap people who simply2 sit besides me and start smoking..konon acting so cool.. As a person whi use public transport.. i've faced this problem for so many times..

3. Dont wash plate and let it in the sink
owh man.. if u really wanna stay in a house with me.. Please avoid this attitude because i memang tak boleh pandang golongan macam ni wokey.. Pengotor.. baloq sangat ke nak cuci huh.. 

4. Pimples on my nose, forehead
Arggg hate pimples especially when it located at my nose.. Many of us had experienced right? so u all can imagine how pain and embrassing it is.. when u are in the public then people are more prefer to see your pimples than your beautiful eyes haha i dont like when it is on my forehead to.. because i feel so embrassing to walk in the public..

5. Service in supermarket
I'm not going to name it.. kang tak pasal2 kena saman wakaka.. Adalah supermarket tu when the time to pay then the items have no barcode so they just simply said " Barang ni tak ada barcode la tak boleh scan" so just let the items be left like that.. Come on la asked somebody to search for the code or u may save the code in the system or whatsoever.. So if all the item i took have no bar code then i have to just left the supermarket without nothing la? It's your company responsibility to ensure that all the items have bar code not us as customer..

6. Desperate Gedik Girl
Many of us wont like this type of "gedik-meluatnya aq-girl".. But dont worry if u are the type of gedik girl still have people that love your gedik so dont feel offended ok haha.. I really wanna know what's in their head when they start gedik2.. desperate to get attention perhaps? oh maybe perasaan comel bajet hot or something when there a huge amount of beautiful ladies out there but still they think they are super cute enough.. So if u are gedik2 girl please dont be my friend i'll get embarrassed by your attitude, your talk or whatsoever haha.. If so please dont show your gedik when u with me because i feel so loathe to see it..Thankfully most of my friends are NOT that type..

7. "JOM BUAT DUIT" advertisement
i really hate it when people start to tag me with this type of advertisement in FB.. send message or whatsoever.. Advertisement yang tunjuk duit berkeping2 tu.. Senang semua tak payah belajar just masuk tu then semua orang Malaysia jadi kaya raya tak buat apa2..??

8. Wearing glasses in aircond
the reason why i love to wear contact lens is because of this.. When i'm in the car for a long period then get out from the car then my glasses start to fog up and disturbing my view.. So annoying tau tak.. Especially bila nak jalan betul2 tak nampak..Then have to wait to get the glasses back to normal.

9. Ask me to go out from toilet
It mostly happen when i'm in my house.. When i saw that no one seems to use the toilet so i decided to take a shower then people ask me to go out because they in that "desperate" condition to use it.. Like it or not i have to go out... If in the public toilet, my friend or my family ask me to go out quickly because they found me in the toilet for a long period.. Well to be noted i'm a very paranoid person so i'll make sure that i feel "clean" enough before go out.. I dont know why some people can take that short time in the toilet.. well i know tak baik ada dalam toilet lama2 but it's for my hygiene ok..

10. My Sister's Alarm clock
wokey this things is really pissed me off.. My sister set an alarm in her phone for every 30 minutes.. and i feel like a hell sleeping besides her hahah jahatnya aq.. Actually like this, My sister's phone will start to "scream" at 6.30 then 7.00 then 7.30 then 8.00 then 8.30 in the morning and the person that awake is me!! the one that have to close the alarm while my sister is "tidur mati".. On working day i'll usually wake up on 8.00-8.15.. That hell alarm clock is disturbing my pleasant sleep.. Tambah2 pulak tengah malam tak boleh tidur.. I feel like want to throw her phone directly to the wall hahah but after thinking the consequence that i must pay her back so i just let it be and i'll continue my sleep at living room..

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 22 "Something you hate about yourself"

Something you hate about yourself

What i hate about myself is i hate the patience i have.. i hate to be so kind to people... I hate it because i cannot let my darkest side of me out.. i'm just so kind hahaha aiseh puji diri.. tak hape2.. Then i hate to have sympathy to people who not worth it.. But i cant control to have this feelings.. I'm just me.. Actually i'm not that so kind but i choose to be kind.. That's what i hate about myself.. Even people dont know how to take care of my feelings but i always be kind to them.. but cautions please.. when it's over the limit i swear my mouth can speak harsh word too..

Day 21 "A picture of what you wore today"

A picture of what you wore today

So sorry dude... Hari ni kan i tak snap pic... Balik kerja dengan keadaan tak sihat selesema terus pergi rumah orang bertunang...weyhh teringin la.. haish jangan nak berangan.. Diri tak terurus lagi tu..  Semalam balik rumah terus pergi tesco.. nak tangkap gambaq pun tak sempat der.. see how busy i am.. So hari khamis haritu ada la snap pic.. boleh la nyek guna pic tu..hehe

Hmmm dah naik 2KG.. punca tak ingat dunia punya makan coklat 
Tapi tak puas hati la makan bukan banyak sangat2.. 1 tupperware coklat jek..

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 20 "Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs"

Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs

Hmmm i dont have iPod lor.. so i'll assume it with the list of songs on my HP... My Nokia E5 only.. haha no need to tell all that kan yes i know pretty well.. ok on Shuffle

1. Disaat Aku Mencintaimu-Dadali
aku memang suka lirik lagu ni..masyokk meyh.

2. My All-Mariah Carrey
best oii.. karok lagu ni.. aiseh 2 lagu dah jiwang dah..

3. Further Away-Evanescence
haaa mai pun lagu jiwa aq ni

4. Krazy-Pitbull
lagu dah lama masih di handphone. tapi bes rentak lagu ni

aq ambik yang clean version punya tau

6. Naturally-Selena Gomez
lagu2 yang di"bluetooth" dari Kiroro

7. You-Evanescence
I love Amy Lee so much lor

8. River Flows In You
Dami ja dengar lagu ni boleh la kalau nak buai2 buat boleh tidur

9.Just-Joong Dok
lagu yang dikasi oleh Nana.. walau kami tak paham lagu ni cakap pa tapi pembawaan lagu yang rasa2nya macam touching2 gitu,,

10.Love the way u lie_Eminem feat Riahnna
i just love the way u lie la haha

Orait done.... But mostly lagu dalam HP aq ni lagu dari Evanescence sebab semua sesuai dengan jiwa aq kononnya la kan...haha So bila orang check2 HP aq and rasa tak ada lagu menarik pun.. Well this is my phone.. All songs is just for me and it is not your radio to play the song u like wokeyh dude.,..

Aq memang suka makan benda alah ni.. *pic yang not related