Tarikh: 18/09/2011
Tempat: my own world
Mood: Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah dah 3bulan dah aq bekerja.. Walaupun banyak masalah sini sana tapi itu jadi pengajaran pada aq.. experience is good teacher right.. At first.. during probation period, i just thought i will be kick off after 2 weeks probation period.. but alhamdulillah they still need me there.. First month work there, i feel so stressful.. feels like wanna quit because of stress..then day by day.. after learn a lot the stress decreased.. i feel comfortable and happy working here.. alhamdulillah
Minggu bila tah dapat appointment letter setelah berjaya dalam probation week.. Dalam surat tu company offer post as a "Junior Management Executive" perghhh job title macam gaji 2-3ribu kan hahhaha... baru diploma dah ada title executive orang percaya ke?? oh yeah aq dah dapat confirmation letter sebab dah 3 bulan kerja.. maka dalam erti kata lain aq dah confirm la keja sana.. khidmat aq diperlukan disana *perghh perasan la... Alhamdulillah dan terima kasih banyak2 la sebab dapat salary increment... rezeki2.. tu la mak kata kena sabaq banyak2.. rezeki kalau Allah nak bagi maka Allah akan bagi.. kalau Allah tak mahu bagi usaha la banyak mana pun.. kat sini belajar banyak sangat2 benda.. baru tahu erti kehidupan tu camna.. macam mana orang lain treat kita dengan level kita.. Kerja aq kat sini handle payroll.. alaa kwsp and socso la.. benda ni la paling aq suka silap tulis.. bila dah betul tulis tulisan pulak macam kanak2 maka aq tulis N orang ingat H.. dah kena suruh despatch sampai seberang sebab hanya kesilapan kecil.. Tiap2 bulan mesti aq salah uhuks T_T.. Segala payment2 semua aq handle..kalau payment tak dibuat maka aku la orang yang akan dicari..uhuks..semua2 bahagian finance dan admin la aq dan shaz akan handle.. paling aq suka ialah kira gaji.. seronok gila sebab kira gaji aq sekali.. segala silap kiraan gaji.. gaji tak dapat lagi maka orang akan carik gaji.. salah paham pasal gaji pun aq kena explain..aduii kadang2 naik berang kihkih.. Aq happy kerja sini walaupun ada yang aq tak suka.. yela aq benci gila account kot tak pasal2 kena belajar.. maka adalah dimaklumkan semua benda yang kita tak suka tu la kita akan dapat..lumrah kehidupan :(.. tapi ilmu beb... Dulu kena bayar duit untuk belajaq programming time study.. sekarang dah kerja kita pulak dibayar untuk belajar account... Kerja sini semua section aq kena tahu.. semua orang punya kerja kena ambik tahu so that bila boss tanya boleh tau.. multitask kerja sini..so banyak benda baru boleh tahu..
Antara sebab2 aq suka kerja sini sebab company melayu so soal solat tak payah nak risau.. memang boleh sembahyang.. kalau company lain maybe susah sikit.. sebab depa tak tahu waktu zohor dan asar... Bos pun tak marah2 macam setengah bos2 yang suka jerit2 tak tentu pasal.. kalau marah pun bertempat tapi jarang la nak marah kecuali buat silap mest la kena marah... Yang paling aq suka walau tak ada kena mengena.. kerja sini berat badan aq turun dan maintain :).. sebelum masuk 47kg then 45kg then sekarang 44kg dan maintain* dengan harapan penimbang tu tak rosak la kan kihkih... hari jumaat aq dan shaz aq check berat dalam ofis hihihi sebab waktu tu staff laki semua pergi sembahyang jumaat.. apa yang kerja sekarang alhamdulillah sangat2.. tapi aq ada impian ada keperluan dan tanggungjawab.. lepas ni kalau dapat peluang pekerjaan yang lebih baik aq akan pergi..
p/s: In this world only two type of person.. wise person and stupid person.. stupid person will always keep on complaining and just stay and receive nothing at the end whereas wise person will keep on thinking and take an action and receive something in the end..
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Talking about Job..I Just Love my Job
written from the Heart of
9/18/2011 02:27:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
W.O.R.D.S about Fashion and Yourself.. let's us rule our life not others
Tarikh: 18 September 2011
Tempat: my own world
Mood: ......
5 words aq nak cakap mengenai fesyen.. Kadang2 kita ni terlalu ikut2kan cakap orang lain.. why should we limit ourself just because we listen to others? Don't let other rule our life.. ok let's start..*tak tahu nak start mukadimah camna hehe
In fashion.. we are not allowed to wear certain color just because our body shape, skin tonne and other.. For me, to look better maybe we can apply the concept.. but it will be better if we just follow our desire.. pakai jek color apa pun yang kita suka.. Tak kisah orang nak kata apa pun.. only listen if yourself kata " tak lawa la color ni dengan aq'.. then tak payah la pakai.. Kadang2 pasal color pun jadi masalah dekat orang nak mengata...
Yang ni bergantung kepada individu.. kalau mampu beli jek tak mampu yang tak ada brand pun lagi lawa dari yang brand.. For me, benda2 branded aq beli pun seluar, bag, accessories and shoes jek.. baju jarang aq nak berkenan kat kedai2 branded ni.. some people may like branded some people like to be low profile.. beli branded outfit just to show off and canang merata what the point??...kita beli baju nak pakai tak kisah beli branded ke biasa2 ke even beli kat bundle pun okeyh.. for me brand is not an issue.. aq hanya beli yang mana aq berkenan di hati tak kisah brand ke tak brand pun..imitation product pun tak apa kalau nak save duit but nak ada barang branded..
Everyone have their own style.. semua akan ikut perkembangan semasa.. Tiru meniru fesyen orang lain is not a big deal.. sebab orang yang kita tiru pun tiru orang lain..it's not 'tiru' but just follow the sytle.. unless u are the fashion designer maka istilah tiru can be apply.. One more thing is mengkritik fesyen orang lain.. Lantak dia la nak pakai apa pun..as long as dia pakai tu tak melampau2.. if we suka pakai tudung cara moden jangan la pulak kritik orang yang pakai tudung labuh konon look older lah kan.. itu hak dia life dia... benda tak salah pun dia buat.. so let;s other have their own style..
Ketinggian selalu menjadi penyekat kepada fashion.. but it's not a problem for me.. because i'm not so desperately to wanna look tall.. some said dress and skirt just suitable for those who tall.. " eh. hang nampak lagi pendek la pakai camni" but we want to wear.. so just wear... who are they to stop us.. let they said what they wanna said.. until their mouth feel exhausted they will keep their bloody mouth shut..hehe unless u are the one whose desperately wanna look tall then stop yourself..
p/s: so let's rule ourself not others...it's normal when people keep on complaining about what we wear...so dont let any killjoy friends shame on you..
Tempat: my own world
Mood: ......
5 words aq nak cakap mengenai fesyen.. Kadang2 kita ni terlalu ikut2kan cakap orang lain.. why should we limit ourself just because we listen to others? Don't let other rule our life.. ok let's start..*tak tahu nak start mukadimah camna hehe
In fashion.. we are not allowed to wear certain color just because our body shape, skin tonne and other.. For me, to look better maybe we can apply the concept.. but it will be better if we just follow our desire.. pakai jek color apa pun yang kita suka.. Tak kisah orang nak kata apa pun.. only listen if yourself kata " tak lawa la color ni dengan aq'.. then tak payah la pakai.. Kadang2 pasal color pun jadi masalah dekat orang nak mengata...
Yang ni bergantung kepada individu.. kalau mampu beli jek tak mampu yang tak ada brand pun lagi lawa dari yang brand.. For me, benda2 branded aq beli pun seluar, bag, accessories and shoes jek.. baju jarang aq nak berkenan kat kedai2 branded ni.. some people may like branded some people like to be low profile.. beli branded outfit just to show off and canang merata what the point??...kita beli baju nak pakai tak kisah beli branded ke biasa2 ke even beli kat bundle pun okeyh.. for me brand is not an issue.. aq hanya beli yang mana aq berkenan di hati tak kisah brand ke tak brand pun..imitation product pun tak apa kalau nak save duit but nak ada barang branded..
Everyone have their own style.. semua akan ikut perkembangan semasa.. Tiru meniru fesyen orang lain is not a big deal.. sebab orang yang kita tiru pun tiru orang lain..it's not 'tiru' but just follow the sytle.. unless u are the fashion designer maka istilah tiru can be apply.. One more thing is mengkritik fesyen orang lain.. Lantak dia la nak pakai apa pun..as long as dia pakai tu tak melampau2.. if we suka pakai tudung cara moden jangan la pulak kritik orang yang pakai tudung labuh konon look older lah kan.. itu hak dia life dia... benda tak salah pun dia buat.. so let;s other have their own style..
Ketinggian selalu menjadi penyekat kepada fashion.. but it's not a problem for me.. because i'm not so desperately to wanna look tall.. some said dress and skirt just suitable for those who tall.. " eh. hang nampak lagi pendek la pakai camni" but we want to wear.. so just wear... who are they to stop us.. let they said what they wanna said.. until their mouth feel exhausted they will keep their bloody mouth shut..hehe unless u are the one whose desperately wanna look tall then stop yourself..
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-even orang nak cakap aq nampak pendek ke tak sesuai ke nampka cam pregnant mom ke.. aku kisah apa aq nak pakai jugak haha- |
p/s: so let's rule ourself not others...it's normal when people keep on complaining about what we wear...so dont let any killjoy friends shame on you..
written from the Heart of
9/18/2011 01:45:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Sunday, September 11, 2011
PINK...It just a matter of color..
Tarikh: 11/9/2011
Tempat: My Own World
Mood: Let me clear..
Have a nice day!!.. Currently i have no time to update my blog.. i have time actually but just feel a lil bit of exhausted..today is SUNDAY... so i have time to update my love blog :).. Speaking about color.. color or colour?? same meaning just a matter of language..ok put aside i'm not english teacher..
everyone have their own favorable and unfavorable color.. it's totally normal la dude... my favorite color is PURPLE,BLACK and right now i admire TURQUOISE *lebih kurang la cam turquoise. All know *not all la kan know well that i don't like PINK.. yes i don't like pink. what a big deal about that..? it just a matter of color.. i said "don't like" not "jaded" "hate" nor "allergic" to this color... I also dont like grey, yellow and other color.. it's normal la kan.. u guys also have one... So i think it's not a big sin or criminal for me to have pink stuff.. yes i said i dont like pink color it doesnt mean i have to stay away from pink color.. So when people ask me why i have or wear pink color even though i dont like it.. ok let me give examples.. Do i have to stop myself from buying drink from Cool Blog? Do i have to stop myself from buying baskin robin ice-cream just because it have pink color of spoon? Di i have to throw away my gift just because it have pink color? Do my closet should have purple, black and turquoise color? Do i have to ask my mother to change the bed sheets just because i dont like pink? or Do i have to stop all pink stuff from my body just because i dont like pink?
it's not make a sense right..why between my unfavorite color people only notice pink? i dont like yellow too but i have yellow shoes.. i dont like brown but i have plenty of brown stuff.. So if we said we doesnt like certain color..people should not stop us from having stuff with that color.. it just a matter of color why take so serious?...unless he/she said " oh please i dont like that color..please make me stay away from that color" ok in this case maybe we can counter strike them...why i have my unfavorable color outfit with me? should i have only my cup of tea color in my closet..what if i have to wear other color for event.. That's why i have my favourable and unfavourable color in my closet..
I used to love BLACK color only.. all my closet only have black outif.. so should i limited my outfit color just because i love BLACK damm so much.. right now i love PURPLE and TURQUOISE.. it shown that people change all the time.. maybe right now i dont like pink in future who knows... maybe right now i love PURPLE damn so much in future maybe i'll dislike it.. is just a matter of color right.. it's not a big sin nor criminal.. EVERYONE HAVE THEIR OWN CUP OF TEA..i hope this entry can answer all of thy question and confusion about me..
p/s: People will never be like us.. And we will never be like them.. So just respect each other...
Tempat: My Own World
Mood: Let me clear..
Have a nice day!!.. Currently i have no time to update my blog.. i have time actually but just feel a lil bit of exhausted..today is SUNDAY... so i have time to update my love blog :).. Speaking about color.. color or colour?? same meaning just a matter of language..ok put aside i'm not english teacher..
everyone have their own favorable and unfavorable color.. it's totally normal la dude... my favorite color is PURPLE,BLACK and right now i admire TURQUOISE *lebih kurang la cam turquoise. All know *not all la kan know well that i don't like PINK.. yes i don't like pink. what a big deal about that..? it just a matter of color.. i said "don't like" not "jaded" "hate" nor "allergic" to this color... I also dont like grey, yellow and other color.. it's normal la kan.. u guys also have one... So i think it's not a big sin or criminal for me to have pink stuff.. yes i said i dont like pink color it doesnt mean i have to stay away from pink color.. So when people ask me why i have or wear pink color even though i dont like it.. ok let me give examples.. Do i have to stop myself from buying drink from Cool Blog? Do i have to stop myself from buying baskin robin ice-cream just because it have pink color of spoon? Di i have to throw away my gift just because it have pink color? Do my closet should have purple, black and turquoise color? Do i have to ask my mother to change the bed sheets just because i dont like pink? or Do i have to stop all pink stuff from my body just because i dont like pink?
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-should i throw this cake just because it have pink color- |
it's not make a sense right..why between my unfavorite color people only notice pink? i dont like yellow too but i have yellow shoes.. i dont like brown but i have plenty of brown stuff.. So if we said we doesnt like certain color..people should not stop us from having stuff with that color.. it just a matter of color why take so serious?...unless he/she said " oh please i dont like that color..please make me stay away from that color" ok in this case maybe we can counter strike them...why i have my unfavorable color outfit with me? should i have only my cup of tea color in my closet..what if i have to wear other color for event.. That's why i have my favourable and unfavourable color in my closet..
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-there's purple,pink,brown and black..why pink is the only noticeable- |
I used to love BLACK color only.. all my closet only have black outif.. so should i limited my outfit color just because i love BLACK damm so much.. right now i love PURPLE and TURQUOISE.. it shown that people change all the time.. maybe right now i dont like pink in future who knows... maybe right now i love PURPLE damn so much in future maybe i'll dislike it.. is just a matter of color right.. it's not a big sin nor criminal.. EVERYONE HAVE THEIR OWN CUP OF TEA..i hope this entry can answer all of thy question and confusion about me..
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life full with color |
p/s: People will never be like us.. And we will never be like them.. So just respect each other...
written from the Heart of
9/11/2011 01:29:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wedges..Wedges...Super Duper Loyal to it..
Tarikh: 8/9/2011
Tempat: My own world
Mood: yeah..that's me
Blog sudah ada pembaharuan.. Bagus2.. Yang suka boleh kekalkan yang tak suka switch to old punya la.. It same goes to our outfit.. fashion keep on updated.. follow if u want.. or just keep steady with the old one.. just be you!!.. Wedges adalah sejenis kasut yang aku suka..suka dan terlampau suka.. bukan sebab desperate nak nampak tinggi tapi dah aq suka.. cantik dan selesa..
Sekarang dah macam2 jenis kasut.. Dulu pergi mana2 jek kasut crocs yang akan kelihatan.. kasut tu dah jadi fashion "must-have" pada orang.. Tapi aq tetap tak suka.. Zaman crocs dah habis baru aq beli jenis macam tu sebab kasut ni ja yang tak terkuaq tapak terkuaq itu ini.. Tu pun bukan jenama crocs... Sekarang kasut sliper fipper pulak.. Dulu ada apa kasut macam ni cuma tak ada tulis fipper.. sekarang dah jadi trend pulak dah.. bila ramai pakai semua akan ikut nak pakai.. sebab takut ketinggalan perhaps.. tak mahu dicop "old fashion".."tak up-to-date" for those yang always want to follow "trend" u can buy it no impediment from my side..but not me.. selipar is just seliper for me.. aq pakai selipar pun time pergi kedai.. berapa kali sangat la aq pergi kedai pun..hehe so i dont need selipar.. fipper tu cantik la gak maybe aq akan beli bila selipar yang dah ada ni putus..
Kalau keluar aq lebih selesa pakai kasut flat dan wedges... Dulu aq memang tak suka pakai yang macam feminim2 ni.. keluar mest pakai sneakers jek.. kasut2 macam perempuan ni memang aq tak suka.. tak lawa.. itu dulu la.. people will always change la dude.. sekarang dah meningkat dewasa maka aq lebih feminim..cewah.. sneakers memang aq tak pakai and tak beli dah.. kasut lama tu dah buang dah.. dimata aq sekarang hanya wedges..wedges dan wedges...hahaa trend sekarang kasut camna pun aq tetap suka wedges..
Time kemas2 kasut tengok2 banyak jugak kasut dah ada tapi kenapa aq tetap rasa nak beli kasut lagi... manusia biasa la..tak pernah syukur dan tamak.. lalu teringat email yang kawan sekerja aq hantaq.. something about appreciating what we have.. see others life that not better as us..
p/s: so let us appreciate what we have.. don't waste our money.. and dont show off the wealth you have..
Tempat: My own world
Mood: yeah..that's me
Blog sudah ada pembaharuan.. Bagus2.. Yang suka boleh kekalkan yang tak suka switch to old punya la.. It same goes to our outfit.. fashion keep on updated.. follow if u want.. or just keep steady with the old one.. just be you!!.. Wedges adalah sejenis kasut yang aku suka..suka dan terlampau suka.. bukan sebab desperate nak nampak tinggi tapi dah aq suka.. cantik dan selesa..
Sekarang dah macam2 jenis kasut.. Dulu pergi mana2 jek kasut crocs yang akan kelihatan.. kasut tu dah jadi fashion "must-have" pada orang.. Tapi aq tetap tak suka.. Zaman crocs dah habis baru aq beli jenis macam tu sebab kasut ni ja yang tak terkuaq tapak terkuaq itu ini.. Tu pun bukan jenama crocs... Sekarang kasut sliper fipper pulak.. Dulu ada apa kasut macam ni cuma tak ada tulis fipper.. sekarang dah jadi trend pulak dah.. bila ramai pakai semua akan ikut nak pakai.. sebab takut ketinggalan perhaps.. tak mahu dicop "old fashion".."tak up-to-date" for those yang always want to follow "trend" u can buy it no impediment from my side..but not me.. selipar is just seliper for me.. aq pakai selipar pun time pergi kedai.. berapa kali sangat la aq pergi kedai pun..hehe so i dont need selipar.. fipper tu cantik la gak maybe aq akan beli bila selipar yang dah ada ni putus..
3 jek wedges yang aq ada.. dulu ada 2 lagi tapi tapak terkuaq tapak dah T_T nak beli lagi Mak marah lak Mak kata banyak kasut dah..tapi wedges da 3 jek mak :P
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-1. Si Vincci from Si Dia. 2. Si Voir yang baru. 3.Si NoBrand RM10 jek- |
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-barisan belakang kasut2 tinggi.. barisan depan kasut flat yang pakai time keja or pergi tempat kena jalan jauh2- |
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-tengok negara2 yang susah pakai kasut macam tu jek- |
written from the Heart of
9/08/2011 04:38:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

Monday, September 5, 2011
Ceritera Raya 2011.. sumbat semua dalam 1 entry jek
Tarikh: syawal eheks
Tempat: Bumi Allah
Mood: oyeah...
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin semua... sebulan syawal ok so tak terlambat kalau aku nak wish.. Aq mintaq maaf atas semua dosa2 aq kat kawan2 aq.. dan aq maafkan semua dosa2 kawan aq hahhaa... ok malas nak story banyak.. just share some pics.. tak larat nak taip banyak2.. apa2 pun a lil bit regret kerana tidur lambat malam raya niat nak semayang raya telah hancur kerana bangun lewat.. uhuk..
Raya Pertama
uhuk.. aq tak snap pic sebab raya pertama just stay kat umah so tudung pun tak pakai nak snap pic camna..
Raya Kedua
Mula beraya..hehe destinasi ke rumah Kak Finaz.. Menu bihun goreng...Lepas tu ke rumah Obek Onne.. Menu laksa perghh memamg my favourite la kan.. tambah 2 kali yuhuu

-baju raya kaler purple.. lantaq aq la tiap2 tahun nak kaler purple pun haha-

-rasa macam dah mula nak minat turqoise la-
Tempat: Bumi Allah
Mood: oyeah...
Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin semua... sebulan syawal ok so tak terlambat kalau aku nak wish.. Aq mintaq maaf atas semua dosa2 aq kat kawan2 aq.. dan aq maafkan semua dosa2 kawan aq hahhaa... ok malas nak story banyak.. just share some pics.. tak larat nak taip banyak2.. apa2 pun a lil bit regret kerana tidur lambat malam raya niat nak semayang raya telah hancur kerana bangun lewat.. uhuk..
Raya Pertama
uhuk.. aq tak snap pic sebab raya pertama just stay kat umah so tudung pun tak pakai nak snap pic camna..
Raya Kedua
Mula beraya..hehe destinasi ke rumah Kak Finaz.. Menu bihun goreng...Lepas tu ke rumah Obek Onne.. Menu laksa perghh memamg my favourite la kan.. tambah 2 kali yuhuu
-bermain pool setelah sebagai aktiviti sampingan-

-baju raya kaler purple.. lantaq aq la tiap2 tahun nak kaler purple pun haha-
Raya ketiga
kerumah Kak Ina.. ada Open house.. Menu Soto.. serius sedap gtambah2 dengan aiq cocktail... tambah 2 kali.. niat nak tambah kali ketiga. tapi segan lak ahakss
kerumah Kak Ina.. ada Open house.. Menu Soto.. serius sedap gtambah2 dengan aiq cocktail... tambah 2 kali.. niat nak tambah kali ketiga. tapi segan lak ahakss

-rasa macam dah mula nak minat turqoise la-
Raya Keempat
21st birthday party nas.. menu wajib bihun beriyani.. ditambah dengan kek, nugget, popia goreng,ferrero rocher perghhh memang lazat..
21st birthday party nas.. menu wajib bihun beriyani.. ditambah dengan kek, nugget, popia goreng,ferrero rocher perghhh memang lazat..
-Nana tak dapat join..something missing la :(-
p/s: bila dah meningkat dewasa baru menghargai ramadhan.. dulu syok nak raya jek.. sekarang lebih sukakn ramadhan.. tahun depan entah boleh jumpa lagi ke tidak..
written from the Heart of
9/05/2011 08:01:00 AM
awesome people spend time with me..tq

ckp-ckp jek
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