Tempat: My own world
Mood: really can't believe..
Today i just bought something that my mind have never crossed out to buy it... Seriusly.. Ah,ha mest fikir kan apa yang aq beli... Actually semalam aq, BBKiroro and Nana pergi Bukit Jambul.. Tempat yang aq kadang2 muak dah nak pergi mana tak nya dulu dari masa sekolah balik sekolah masuk sini then sekarang masuk poli pun lepas balik kelas still masuk sini..totally need new atmosphere..haha tak apa degree minta jauh2 sampai aq menyesal sangat2 k haha..
Ok go back to main thing.. we pergi Shoepoint and ada sales not only 50% but 70%.. just imagine kasut harga 59.90 turn to be 17.95..owhhh i must get one but i have no money at that time i mean not enough.. Mak aq bertindak sebagai bank bergerak sebagai langkah nak prevent aq over shopping hehe.. then aq terpandang 1 shoes ni color kuning.. seriously i have no interested in yellow because for me it was not nice plus doesn't suit my skin tone.. but at that time i was seriuosly fall in love at the first sight la.. maybe sebab design la.. aq macam nak ambik jek semalam tapi fikir2 balik ahh not enough money so have to forget it.. BbKiroro bought pink shoes.. seriously cute..
then when i came back home, i told my mom about the sale while hoping that my mom will say yes "to buy"... and mak kata ok sebab murah kuning tak pelik ke.. to make it clear i'm not asking for my mom money but my own money yang dijaga rapi oleh my mom.. alah as i mentioned above la.. then i start to think about the shoes everytime seriously like someone who fall in love haha.. then hari ini punya la excited tergedik2 nak beli.. sampai nak buat lab dalam kelas pun malas.. macam ni la aq kalau tergedik2 about something aq akan fikir benda tu ja..haishh.. mula2 takot dah habis sebab kasut tu for clearance stock.. then pergi2 ada.. O my yellow shoes we have destiny to be together..haha poyo gila..

-actually kan tak ada reben bunga tau kasut ni saja la gedik bubuh sebab nak bagi nampak comel-
tadaaa..seriuosly out of my mind kan.. i was obsessed with purple tapi tak ada pun kasut purple.. except my "kasut pergi kelas" which is crocs-looks-alike.. then another thing is it high heels ok.. i used to wear the only wedges.. senang tak payah balance badan.. but now see.. tapi ok la tapak still tebal..if after this aq post beli kasut tapak yang halus tu memang aq seriously out of mind haha.. right now i have problem to match because i don't have yellow shirt..except tshirt yang dapat masa pergi konvoi yamaha..tapi tak kan nak pakai yang tu haha.. hey lanie kan semua match.. susah sangat pakai ja hitam atau putih.. ohh i love my new shoes.. oh my..it that u violetrose???
p/s: owh forget to mention tadi makan sizzling.. today was wonderful day tau.. but lift rumah rosak kena naik sampai 10 tingkat.. tak apa it was pleasant to carry my shoes..
p/s: owh forget to mention tadi makan sizzling.. today was wonderful day tau.. but lift rumah rosak kena naik sampai 10 tingkat.. tak apa it was pleasant to carry my shoes..